Jun 2, 2009

77th Street.

Our new subway stop makes me happy every time I walk down into it, especially if that nice little trio is there singing some of their soul music. The mosaics in the NYC subway system really are beautiful (see more information here, & one of my favorites here), but 77th Street has one of the very prettiest, I think.


Jill said...

i agree. i love the 77th street mosaics the most.

Missy said...

Oooh, those ARE beautiful! I think I've been in that one actually. It looks vaguely familiar.

(Is that possible? Where ARE you living exactly?)

naomi megan. said...

your photo of ny are so great. they make me miss it.

Jeanne said...

How nice to have the beautiful things of the subway highlighted! In our rush we don't often take the time to see such things. I was just in the Boston subway this week -- the first -- and now oldest subway in the country. Subways really are pretty amazing when you think about it.
And how nice to have one so close now!