Jun 29, 2009


There was one day while we were in Costa Rica where I mapped out an entire plan in my head about how I would come home, do laundry for a day, see my friends & then secretly hop on a plane to spend the 4th of July with my family at the cabin. I had all of the details worked out in my head. I'd use a free ticket that I've been waiting to use, rent a car, & surprise everyone - hopefully in the middle of dinner for extra impact. I wouldn't tell a soul, & everyone would be so excited to see me. I would play with my nieces & nephews, stay up late talking to my sisters, play Boggle with my dad, live in my swimsuit, eat at Elkins & hike to the Wigwams. A few weeks later, I'd be back again! With Mike.

I was sad this morning when I called US Air & heard that they just couldn't get me a seat. Full, full, full. We tried multiple days. It just won't work. That's what I get for procrastinating. I'll have to use my ticket for another adventure. Sad.

I was momentarily really disappointed. I really miss my family. I haven't been home since last August. I hate feeling left out when they're almost-all together. I love Priest Lake.

But today - I walked all the way down to the south end of Central Park with my nice friends & we played in the water fountains. We had lunch at Whole Foods. Grabbed a treat at Levain. Walked all the way home through the park, winding through the Ramble, past Bethesda Fountain, past the Boathouse, past 5th Avenue, Madison, Park, Lexington... & as I saw the dogs, listened the sound of taxi receipts, heard the honking horns, saw the fresh flowers & fruit stands on every corner, got a cheerful hello from my doorman... I felt happy to be home.

I'm still really, really excited to go to Priest Lake in 4 weeks.


The Jackson Three said...

not being there when your fam is all together does suck, but at least you have a trip coming up. did you splash around in the water fountain in your suit?

Jill said...

today was fun, it made me not as homesick too.

ps. i love that dress. i saw it at anthro and thought it was so cute.

Jan said...

If you took a chance..packed a little bag...came stanby, maybe it might still work. I promise I wouldn't tell anyone....

Kera said...

cute dress cute shoes. looking forward to your call tomorrow morning!

C & E Hudson said...

yeah, stand by might work,, I will keep a secret ;-)

erin said...

i know that disappointing feeling, and i hope yesterday eased the pain somewhat. let's do something really great for independence day so we have less time to miss our families. sniff.

cool picture. mike?

Joanna said...

I wish you could be there. ): You will be missed. I loved your Costa Rica pictures! So fun. And you look beautiful.