Jun 6, 2009

"In order for black people to truly reach the promised land...

... Flavor Flav must be SHOT." These are the words of Chris Rock during his 2008 HBO special "Kill the Messenger." I heard them during my morning flight to Vegas on Thursday via Delta's entertainment system. Despite the tremendous potential advancements made by the election of a black president, Rock opines, true progress won't be possible as long as Flavor Flav is running around with a clock around his neck and a viking hat on. "NOT this year, Flavor. A qualified black man is running for president. Put a suit on!"

I laughed heartily, as any white male in business class might (assured that no one of another race that could be offended is within earshot, of course... another racial quirk Rock skewers later on in the same show. White girls jogging to rap music but wouldn't dare listen to it out loud in Harlem, you know who you are!).

The depth of Rock's words seemed fleeting at the moment. Another witty and biting observation from a man known for such quips, of course, but nothing that would cause one to truly change his or her view of the world.

Later on that same day, after a fantastic dinner at N9NE Steakhouse at the Palms Casino (the bone-in filet is UNREAL, by the way), I was at the edge of the casino floor watching the end of the Lakers / Magic game before catching my cab to the airport for my return flight. As Kobe was putting the finishing touches on his beatdown, I began to gather my things to make my way out. At that moment, a familiar face passed by and changed cash for chips at the craps table right in front of me.

"Is that Flavor Flav?" I wondered to myself quietly. I quickly dismissed the thought... how racist of me, to think that any black man wearing a clock around his neck is Flavor Flav. But at that very moment, the pit boss quietly said, "Hey Flavor, how are you?" Snapping out of my "trying not to be racist, wondering if this is even an issue of racism, but really do think that's Flavor Flav" cycle of thoughts, I was blown away by the unbelievable fortuity of the moment. I simultaneously felt a sense of sadness... the weight of an entire people's success must be a heavy burden to carry. Perhaps symbolized by the timepiece hanging around his neck.


k. said...

You're funny. :)

k. said...

PS - I hope that most of our readers (all 7 of them) understand the humor here, and don't actually think that you're a racist. Because you're not.


Tara Edwards said...

Love it! And I don't think you are racist. He's a nut job! (Not Mike, Flavor Flav). What I don't get is how in the world are there women who would compete on a reality show for his love!!! There is someone for everyone I suppose!

Suzi said...

So amazing that you saw "Flava Flav." I love that you knew who he was...your stock just went up in my book. You're so hip (and not a racist), Mike.