Jun 3, 2009

One room down.

Three more to go. 

At least we only have four rooms I guess, right? Bathroom. Kitchen. Living Room. Bedroom. 

Everything is coming along, but the bathroom is the only room that is finished. There are still frames to be hung, shelving to be installed, desks to assemble, magical space within our closets to appear... 

We like our cozy little space, but it has definitely taught us even more about efficiency & organization.

Our last bathroom had a wall full of vanity shelving/mirrors. Three of them. Plus a large amount of storage under the sink. This bathroom has a teeny, tiny vanity + a teeny tiny amount of space under the sink. So while having exposed things sort of makes my tummy hurt, I think I'm comfortable with this. All the space under our bed is full though, so I guess I really don't have any other options unless we hang baskets from the ceiling.  

I bought the bathroom space saver at Bed, Bath & Beyond - & even put it together all by myself while Mike was away at work. I'm not very good at following instructions, but I did it. We also bought a new shower head (it feels just like rain), & we've decided it's one of the best investments, ever. I love showering in this bathroom. 

(Sorry for the photos with the offensive flash. I decided the lighting would just never be perfect.)


Jill said...

its looking nice! very organized. it really is a trick to figure out storage options in a new place. we store a lot of our bathroom goodies above the kitchen sink because we have all of our dishes in that green cabinet. whatever works right? :)

Diana said...

Did you get your shower curtain at Restoration Hardware? I have the same one! Your bathroom looks great. I live in Boston and the apartments, while not as tiny as NYC, are still pretty small. It's hard to fit everything in there that you want to. The good part about that is that you tend to get rid of a lot of junk and only keep the stuff that is really useful or enhances the place with its beauty.

Sine family said...

We have that same shower head and love it. One down. That is a big deal. When our guests leave i'll come by and help if you want.

Missy said...

That shower head looks mighty. I love it. Organized - you are top notch Kathryn.