Jun 19, 2009


Thanks, Flickr.

We're leaving New York today for the jungles, cloud forests, zip lines, beaches & volcanoes of Costa Rica. I'm not bringing my laptop (which makes me a teensy bit anxious), but I am bringing my camera, a few lenses & a memory card big enough for a few thousand photos. That will hopefully be sufficient for the week or so that we'll be there. Will I fill it? Remember London? 5 days & 600 photos? Trust me. I can do it. You don't even have to dare me.

I hope I find these exact same mangos, because they just look so perfectly fresh & delicious. I asked Mike if we could eat mangos all day / every day & he explained that this would be a very bad decision. Shoot.

We'll talk soon, friends.


Scott and Elly said...

Have fun in Costa Rica! I can't wait to see your pics! You seriously need to just start a photography business:) I know you probably hear this all the time, but I love your photos.

Heidi said...

How wonderful! Are you going with anyone else? Ben and I are trying to plan a trip to Costa Rica next year to celebrate our 5th anni/Ben's 30th b-day/med school graduation. You will have to give me all your travel tips when you get back. Have a great time!

Unknown said...

It was one of my favorite trips. A cushioned central american experience. :) I loved the coffee plantations and zip-lines the most. Have fun! I'm so excited for your recap.

caitlin and brinton said...

OMG Costa Rica is my favorite- you're going to love it. And I'm going to sit here & cry from the jealousy!

Kellie said...

Have a great time! Can't wait to see the photos.

Fufoo said...

lately i've had a mango everyday with no ill effects, but that might be different if i ate them ALL day. try to hold yourself back.

if costa rica is like its neighbor, el salvador, you can get like 10 mangos the size of your fist for $1. make sure to find some nicaraguan tamales. they're, well, family sized. nothing like the puny mexican tamales most people eat in the US.

i'm so so jealous! costa rica is at the top of my list for my next international vacation. please fill up the memory card so i can live vicariously through you.

suz said...

I am looking forward to seeing your photos!

Lindsey said...

have the best time ever! i can't wait to see pics/read all about it.

Melissa said...

How FUN! Can't wait to see your pictures!

Elizabeth said...


Lula. said...

I hope you are having so much fun! I can't wait to see your always-amazing photos!