Jun 14, 2009

Weekend highlight: Big Apple Barebcue.

Dave stayed with us Friday night. We went to the gym early Saturday morning so that we could work up an appetite for the Big Apple Barbecue at Madison Square Park (home of our beloved Shake Shack). Friends Kelsey & Robby joined us as well, & it was just a lovely morning. We were glad that we went early, because the crowds were manageable, the lines relatively short & the weather perfect. Oh, & the food was great, too. 

We spotted Billy Mays at the Oxy Clean booth (I didn't know who he was until we saw a documentary on him a few weeks ago) & I saw Chelsea Clinton with a group of very cerebral looking friends, too. I've seen her a few times in New York (including when we worked at the same firm from '05 to '06), but it was still fun. I'm obnoxious & took a photo of her from 6 feet away. I felt so terrible about it. My lens is not discreet, plus no one wants their photo taken wearing a skirt + running shoes. I even knew the photo wouldn't be great because of all of the people walking by. But I still did it.  

 I love the view of the Empire State Building from 23rd Street. Pretty. 

Pulled pork + 'slaw. I don't like cole slaw, but I loved the pork. And the Diet Coke I may have had with it. 

Billy + his beard (courtesy of Just for Men, I'm quite sure).

The hair!! The cutest, nicest little boy I've ever seen. He gave me a button. I wanted to take him & his Mississippi accent right home. I pointed my camera at him & he immediately snapped into position. 

Michael. Kathryn. Kelsey. Robby. 

Hi, Chelsea. 


Lizzie said...

We wanted to go to the Big Apple Barebcue but JT ended up having to work. Maybe next year.

Angie said...

Hey, we went too! I knew we should've gone earlier in the day, we couldn't make it out till 5:00 and a lot of the booths had closed down. Fun though! Great pics.

Jill said...

I didn't even know this existed, I'm sad I didn't get to sample some pulled pork and coleslaw. I love a good slaw.

Missy said...

I am sort of a stare-er when it comes to seeing celebrities (could chelsea clinton be considered such??) so I would have taken the photo too.

Yum. the food is making me hungry. You guys look like a fun group too. I love that the little red head didn't even mind you taking his photo.

C & E Hudson said...

Wow, looks like a lot of fun,,,, thanks for all the fun pictures.

bryan said...

Billy Mays!

Mike said...

"Billy Mays here for mikeandkathryn.blogspot.com, your one-stop-shop for gourmet cupcake reviews and often uncomfortable commentary on race relations and other social issues!"

Bret said...

Ughhh.... Robbie Egan and I grew up together. His family and my family are besties. Sorry I haven't checked your blog for awhile. June is my busiest work month. Any Philly restaurant ideas? text me.