Jul 10, 2009


As if I need another reason to go there.

The good news is that I had a great workout at the gym last night. I ran my 3+ miles (I'm taking it easy this week), & did my inner + outer thigh muscle exercises, even though I was saying lots of bad words in my head the entire time. Actually, I'm kidding about doing inner & outer. I only did inner. Lazy.

The bad news it that Two Little Red Hens is 9 blocks away, which is a really reasonable walk at 7:30am on a Friday - quite pleasant actually, even though the city smells like bacon first thing in the morning.

2LRH's cupcakes are delicious, & it turns out that their cinnamon rolls are worth a 7am alarm clock, too. They're a relatively new discovery that Suzi & I tried 2 weeks ago & sort of fell in love with. And even though I haven't woken up that early in weeks (they tend to sell out early), they're worth it.

We sent friend Jill off to Zion (for a month?! what?!) this morning with a happy tummy full of sugary, doughy goo. I like my friends a lot, especially because they didn't make fun of my baggy sweats that totally give me mom-butt & didn't say a word about my scary no-makeup eyes.

1 comment:

erin said...

next time i say we have a contest to see who can show up looking the ugliest. i'm kind of not kidding. the winner, or loser, however you want to look at it, gets to eat for free. my freaky 70s hairdo and hole-y shirt totally would have won this morning.