Jul 6, 2009

I'm reading again.

(1) To Read & (2) Just Finished.

I used to spend 2+ hours commuting a day. I was traveling often. I was burning through books. Lots & lots of books. And then - I stopped working. I stopped commuting. I stopped reading for some reason.

I've missed it.

I finished my first book in over 3 months when we were in Costa Rica. Daughter of Fortune (Allende). Friend Sarah Jane & I share literary tastes, & when she gave it to me for my birthday last fall, I just knew I'd love it.

I loved it.

Some friends & I - via our virtual book club - are discussing it here.

I picked up Me Talk Pretty One Day (Sedaris) today, after Erin's recommendation (we share tastes, too). Have you seen his spot on Letterman? He's hilarious. I'm excited. It made for a lovely shopping experience, too. The two Upper East Side Barnes & Noble stores merged together, into a massive new store that is over 20,000 square feet. I wandered for about an hour today. It's beautiful. I love books.

Any other suggested reads? I'm determined to get through a few more great books this summer (& hopefully several while I'm traveling to & at the lake). I need to make up for lost time.


Diana said...

If you haven't read "The Time-Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger, you MUST! It's fabulous. Also, two books that I loved in the last year were "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" by Junot Diaz (a professor at MIT...where I work) and "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides. Both have won the Pulitzer and are uh-mazing.

Kylie Whiting said...

hi kathryn!
i was so excited to see a comment from you. i've heard a lot about you and have read your blog since kels showed me. love it. thank you for taking care of my sister for me! i would love to do photos of you! it's always a plus to take pictures of people with great style and i have some fun ideas for the city. i'm sure you know of some awesome locations as well, so this could be pretty great! i charge $150 for a sitting and that includes all the images high res on a disc. i usually edit between 20-30 images per shoot and allow the client to email me with requests for additional edits.

p.s. what camera and lens do you use? your photos look great!

let me know what you think.

i cannot WAIT to get to the city.


Angie said...

Just read The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. Both sad but really good. And The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak, also sad but great.

k. said...

Ooh, Angie, I loved all three of those books - I've read them all in the past 2 years. And Diana, I loved Middlesex, too. I haven't read the other two you mentioned.

erin said...

sedaris is best read aloud, i think. i read me talk pretty one day to matt while we road-tripped somewhere. i couldn't get through the sentences because i was laughing so hard at sedaris and at matt, and i had tears blurring up my vision. that's a fun memory.

Louise said...

In light of everyone else's comments this one might be a bit fluffy, but I loved The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society! You read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert already didn't you? Her new one, Weddings and Evictions, comes out this summer I believe.

Debbie said...

Your Mom may have already mentioned, but our book club did all give a thumbs up to the Guersey book. I liked the little book Peaks and Valleys by the same author as "Who Moved The Cheese?" If you liked Stephanie Myer's vampire books, you might like her first adult novel - The Host. I did. It is sci-fi for sure.