Jul 19, 2009


This is the bed where I've been sleeping. The three clocks in the room are typically not set correctly or have dead batteries, so I never know exactly what time it is. I wake up when I please. It's nice.

This is the view from the bed where I've been sleeping. I keep the window open & listen to the water lapping against the shore. Or to the wakeboarders going by far too early in the morning.

This is the deck that my dad (smartly) designed to be extra-large.

This is the view from the deck.

This is Elkin's.

This is where we eat for special occasions, because for some reason, they charge New York City prices for (delicious) North Idaho meals. Did you know that huckleberries can go on anything? They can. Salmon. Mushrooms. Cheesecake.

This is my pretty mother on our way to Elkins.

This is Danner, Katie's successor.

This is my dad (picking huckleberries).

This is Danner & my dad going for a little swim. The temperature of the lake is refreshing, as they say around here. Refreshing = freezing cold in North Idaho speak.

This is the sunken ship that we used to play on when we were little.

This is the view on the way home from the sunken ship (at Mosquito Bay).

This is one of the many pieces of moose decor we have around the cabin. Can your family readily identify moose poop vs. deer poop vs. bear poop? Mine can.

This is the fire pit that my dad built with his own hands (& has subsequently had two hip replacement surgeries). This is where Mike asked me to marry him, & where I said yes - about a thousand times.

*I started & finished The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society yesterday. A nice, fast read written in a very interesting style. Made me want to travel to the Channel Islands someday soon.


erin said...

no, but city-livin' has taught me the difference between mouse poop and cockroach poop.

can we stay friends forever so you can invite me here sometime? please? i am family, after all.

noelle said...

ohhhh... this place is perfect. so, so perfect. no wonder you want to be there. i want to be there... can i piggy-back on erin's request?

Jamie said...

What a beautiful place! I love the pictures. That's a good book to read there too. Relax and do nothing.

Unknown said...

I loved the tour. It makes me all the more excited for you to be there. I love love the mountain and lake combo. And being able to have time to read through BOOKS. I miss that!
(Your bedroom view was my favorite.)

I hope to have a lake home someday. It's on my "list".

Unknown said...

p.s. your silhouette is really sexy.

Krista said...

loved the tour, looks absolutely beautiful and completely relaxing. I also really enjoyed the guernsey book.

Kylie Whiting said...

gorgeous! love the picture of the view from the bed. i want to go there.

Erin said...

What an awesome place. i love it. I think I need to try a huckleberry.

Lindsey said...

gorgeous! I want a place like that. Seriously, makes for the best family memories!

Louise said...

What a tour! I LOVED the view from your bedroom and how you described leaving the window open to hear the water lapping. There is something so soothing about being near water. What a dreamy place - I get why you love it so much. Glad you loved the book too!

Melissa said...

I love the Hudson cabin...perfect! We are coming to Spokane this weekend and my mom said we might get to see you on Friday before you head home to NYC?? We'd love it! I haven't seen you for so long...minus blogging:) Hope it works out!

Suzanne said...

Is that place real? It seems too perfect to be real. You're never going to come back, I just know it. Nice knowing you, I guess??

Missy said...

What a great tour! This is so so fun. Your parents have it right, a getaway for all the kids to bring their grandkids and make memories upon memories.

(That sunken ship looks a little scary to me - were/are you ever scared jumping around that??)

Diana said...

I hate to even admit this, but I never knew Idaho was so pretty! I always thought of it as "one of those states out West." Well, shame on me for being so narrow-minded. It looks like a lovely place to vacation. Hope you're enjoying your time there!