Aug 17, 2009

Because someday I'll print this blog, & I'll appreciate having SO. MANY. PHOTOS. Right??

I'm almost, almost done with Priest Lake photos. One more massive post after this & I'm done, promise.


Harrison is 4. He belongs to Tara & Kevin. He is missing his two front teeth. He loves to make faces for the camera. When I told him he had pretty eyes & I wanted to see them with my camera, he spread his eyelids as far apart as he could. We tried a different tactic & I asked him to look surprised (hence the photo on the bottom right). He's a very nice little boy. He likes to cuddle. This trip he asked, Kathryn, are you married to Mike? He likes Mike. He's the bravest little boy I've ever seen. He went on the paddle board, the motorcycle, the sailboat, the tube & the jetski. He gets very mad when any of those things go too slowly. I'm sure he'll be wakeboarding soon. He wants to visit New York. Next time we just might take him home with us.
Align Center
Everyone loved the goggles this summer for some reason. I think they just made for silly photos. When a pair was accidentally dropped off the end of the dock, my Dad the hero dove down & grabbed them (it was probably 20 feet deep - he played water polo in high school if that counts for anything). All the kids watched, everyone cheered & it was very exciting.

Tara has a great recap here, by the way. I'll save the time of writing my own by just directing you to hers.


Jan said...

Don't make promises we don't want you to keep. Translation - keep the pictures coming - We can't have too many, you know.

Tara Edwards said...

I might have to protest your potential kidnapping of my little Harrison. He is sort of cute huh! I LOVE your blog by the way. I might just copy your pages for my book when I eventually get around to doing it!

Jill said...

I love all these pictures, it makes me want to live at Priest Lake.

ps. I would never wear goggles in the lake/ocean. You guys are crazy. I would rather not know what is below me, thank you. I'm getting the chills just thinking about it.

Angie said...

Haha, it's funny you made that comment about the mets tickets photo. When Klane held up the tickets and told me to take the shot, it reminded me of a pic I had seen from the game you went to! Random. Hope you had fun [survived! :)] at Girls Camp.