Aug 12, 2009

Central Park is therapeutic. So is Bloomingdales.

Friend Jill & I ventured to Shake Shack for lunch today, & then walked back to the East side through the park. I love Central Park. I really, really do. The people watching, the dogs, the trees. I get lost in The Ramble every time I go, but it's okay.

I think I've got my mojo back.

I've been feeling all out of sorts since I came home on Sunday, sort of overwhelmed at being back in the city. It hasn't helped that the weather has been so blasted hot.

But today - my Shack Burger was better than I remembered, the park was therapeutic (+ breezy & cool), & so was Bloomingdales, & I feel much better now. Jacob at the Mac counter was super friendly & helpful & taught me lots of new tricks while making my eyes look pretty with various shades of brown (I love brown eye shadow). After I told him I was a recent tinted moisturizer (vs. foundation) convert, he told me to never use theirs (it just came out). Stick to Aveda or Laura Mercier, he said. I like people like that. He's working Fashion Week this year & apparently it's all about tinted moisturizer + concealer + blush. Light, light, light. Good to know, good to know.

Speaking of food, Mike & I ate at the Bistro Truck on 5th Avenue down in Chelsea last night. I love New York because you can get a plate of amazing authentic Moroccan food for $7, from a truck on the side of the road. It really was great. We'll definitely find it on Twitter & go back.

Oh, & on Monday - I met Suzi, Kelsey & Kylie for lunch at a small East Harlem French restaurant called (wait for it) Yo in Yo Out. I had a crepe with mushrooms & goat cheese. It was delicious, & only $8. I stole some of Kylie's salad (with poached pears, yum!) & it was delicious, too. I'll go back, especially for their desserts, which looked lovely.


Did you know that navy is apparently the color of the season? It is. So says Gap, JCrew, Anthropologie & Bloomingdales (I need to branch out - I'm boring). I've always had a love / hate relationship with navy. Actually, more of a hate relationship. Sometimes it looks blue, sometimes it looks black, & unless you choose a fun color, you have to wear brown shoes. It's ambiguous, & that's frustrating to me. But alas, I bought a little navy headband today which will go nicely with the navy cardigan that I'm wearing in the photos we're having done tonight. I do have a few navy things in my closet. I'm just not ready for a takeover. Anyway. It's raining. Let's all cross your fingers that the rain clouds pass over Central Park very quickly.

I go to Girl's Camp next week. I'm in charge of the 15 year-old group. I'm excited & terrified. Please send happy thoughts + a lot of good luck my way. When our Stake's camp director called me & asked what my favorite part about Girl's Camp was, I had to tell her, I'm sorry, I only went once as a teenager & I hated it so much that I never went back (sorry Debbie - it wasn't your fault). I was a teenager with a probably-bad attitude & it just wasn't my thing. Neither was 6am seminary (sorry again, Debbie), although I always went & graduated with all four years completed. And now, here I am.

Girl's Camp + Seminary. I think someone is trying to teach me something.


Heidi said...

I was a total girls camp lover. I dream of the day they ask me to help. I think you'll have fun.

Erin said...

lol. I hated girls camp too, and I always tell Greg that we better move out of Washington before we hit seminary age kids because our kids won't go. That is just too early! :) I'm a wimp. Your a better person than me! j/k

Again, I miss NY. With every post, your blog makes me want to visit!

Have fun getting pictures done!

p.s. priest lake looked great. How fun!

jocelyn said...

i have been using the laura mercier tinted moisturizer for the past month or so. i love it so much i don't know how i ever lived without it.

i am also not a big navy fan. i feel like it can look awkward with denim (which is basically all i wear), unless that denim is light...which scares me.

Jan said...

Heidi - Thanks for encouraging Kathryn - I loved camp of any kind - was in charge of our Stake Girl's camp for four years. I'm the only holdout in our entire family who would still be in a tent, even at my age. I try every year to get someone to go out in a tent with me, but so far no takers.

Lindsey said...

I went to girls camp twice and always dreaded it, but then ended up having fun. Is your camp inner city kids like ours? The camp we visited this year (for a couple hours) was very different from the one I went to, but JUST what the girls needed. You'll be great.

Missy said...

I love Heidi's comment.

I actually liked Girl's Camp - but mostly it was because I had really great older girls ahead of me that went (almost jokingly) but ended up making it really fun.

You'll do great. You'll be the leader that they all want to be like. (Is it strange that we are the leaders now??)

JC said...

huge laura mercier fan. i used to work for them. their trans. powder is AWESOME too. Girls camp is the best. Take lots of stickers and fun colored paper and leave lots of cute, fun notes. Cheezier the better. :) enjoy!