Aug 13, 2009

I (mostly) love that for a week, you're never, ever alone.

There was one day where I felt like I just needed a tiny bit of an escape, so I hid out on the boat with a book & read for an hour. Otherwise, at the lake - you're just never alone, & I think that's a wonderful thing (although it every-so-often results a bit of cabin fever & what is perhaps less than perfect behavior. We're getting better at saying the word sorry).

In no particular order -

Hudson & me on Dad's beach.

Me. Hudson. Paige (Andrew's girlfriend who is very nice).

The pile of shoes that are evidence of the 20+ people that were at the cabin every day.

Love birds. Clearly.

Patrick & Kera (not to be confused with sister Tara, or sister-in-law Cara).

Ryley & Alissa. Alissa is an honorary sister (friends since we were 12 - awesome).

Parker. Cameron. Mike. On the thoroughfare on our way to Upper Priest.

The Whitings.

The Edwards.

The motorcycle boot collection. It reminds me of the skate rental room when we'd go to the roller skating rink. Lots of different sizes & options.

Mike. Kathryn. Ryan. Cameron. Hudson. Parker. Noah. Elizabeth. Joanna. Tara.

Align CenterAunt Kathryn with Riley, Parker & Lexi.

Align Center
Mike & Dad.

The Holdaways.

Holdaway boys (Cameron, Noah & Hudson).

Paige & Andrew.


Align Center
Elizabeth, Kathryn, Joanna, Tara & Harrison - who insisted on joining in.

Father / Daughter. He looks 40, right?

Mother / Son.

Almost all of the little ones. Missing Quincy, Haidyn & Reese.

Hudson girls.

Grandma + Grandpa + brood.

Brothers. Christopher, Patrick & Andrew.


Lindsey said...

SO many cute, cute, beautiful pictures. What a lovely family. I love the ones of you and your sisters (and mom!). and all of the other ones too. :)

noelle said...

adorable family, miss kathryn. you all make such pretty picture subjects. so fun!

suz said...

Love all the photos - Looks like you all had a wonderful time!

Heidi said...

Did you girls plan the blue in the sisters/mom photo? It all works so well together.

How can I get legs like you in that top photo?

Jennifer said...

Seriously, your legs? Awesome.

Your family looks picture perfect. Sisters are the best. Brothers are cool too.

And hey! My trainer is from Spokane and as we were talking this week, Priest Lake came up!! I about died. Small world.

Jill said...

what a beautiful place. those glassy waters make me want to dive right in.

and truly, you are just so pretty, such a natural beauty. (your mom + sisters too).

Angie said...

Your family seems so tight knit and just awesome. Makes me miss mine! That's so great you were able to spend so much time together this summer. Also, I had to comment because I am so surprised, you and your sisters all look so different! Each of you has your own look.

Missy said...

I was dying at the lake water - so glassy. Tell me you guys water ski-ed too!

I wondered the same thing as Heidi - did you plan to wear shades of blue. You are all so pretty. I'm still wondering if your mom can guest post about how she and your dad created such a tight knit family...

(or maybe I can email her since I do feel like I know her since the cinnamon rolls...)

erin said...

i'm kind of hating you right now with your pretty tan.

eyre blog said...

you look stunning in every. single. picture. what a fun gorgeous family too.

Kera said...

i love the family pictures. we need to get ours taken asap.