Sep 15, 2009

Infallible. Almost.

(That's Erin with her Shroom Burger. It's not me. Some people get us confused. Even the fun faces trick in iPhoto gets us mixed up. Erin showing up 5 months pregnant after time in Zion this summer also had people confused, especially those people who can't keep Erin vs. Kathryn straight.)

It turns out that I don't love everything at Shake Shack (gasp). Erin's order got a little messed up yesterday, & instead of getting the beloved Shack Burger, she found a Shroom Burger in the bag. Actually, it was a Shack Stack - a shroom burger on top of a Shack Burger (these people aren't messing around). It sort of made my stomach hurt to just look at it, but I've always been curious about the veggie option at my favorite source of red meat. This being said, they gave Erin her Shack Burger & let us keep the mushroom option to try out. 

Verdict: lots of melted, fried, gooey cheese with a teensy bit of mushroom in the middle. I took one bite & decided that was quite enough grease for the week.
My black & white shake + Shack Burger were delicious. I think having a lunch + dinner combination at 4pm is a perfectly good idea every so often (especially after trekking around in Manhattan's drug / bug infested "forrest" way up in Washington Heights with a few of your closest friends & their precious offspring - but more on that later).

PS, I've decided that I really love Shake Shack's website. All sorts of (literal) bells & whistles & what not. Very happy & fun. Kind of makes me want to go eat again.


erin said...

i'm sure your iphoto didn't label this photo as you... man i look hammered. and greasy. but maybe not as greasy as that mushroom swimming in fried cheese. ouch, my chest.

audrey said...

so hi : } new reader here. via noey and erin. thought i should come out of hiding, just so i can say how much i love erin and her blurry smile in this picture, how much i love a good burger, and that i adooore your shoes {i'm assuming those are your sweet-feet shoes} in your side-bar profile pic. there. got that off my chest...

checked out the shake shack site. i like how the lady with the dog shakes her head so dramatically. and the couple with the stroller--i like that she's so big compared to her man; i imagine a big-boned, curly-haired american with a petite mexican man.

Kim said...

I have to admit - you are mildly obsessed with SS...and that shroom burger turns me off a little. Can't wait to see/hear about the light house!

laurel said...

Did you hear they are going to open one on Prince and Mulberry? Yipee!

k. said...

Audrey, you have wonderful taste in friends.

Kim, Nicole's mom?! Fun! But really, I'm not offended. :) some people go to McDonalds every week, or Subway, or get pizza. We go to Shake Shack somewhat often, and luckily it's just amazing. :)

JC said...

I feel what is the point of a burger if it's mushrooms? Bring on the beef!!!!!


Jill said...

i made the mistake of ordering a shroom burger once. thinking it was the 'healthier' veggie option. total grease bomb.