Sep 18, 2009


Erin. Kathryn. Jill. Insert Amy (+ Tim) & Abbie with your imagination..

(Mike really wanted us to do serious faces. I obviously struggled.)

Let's get rich & build a house on a mountain making everybody look like ants... (yeah, just skip ahead to about 1:30 of the video I found on YouTube).

I love Ingrid. I think this marks concert #4 that I've seen. Love her voice, love her ukulele, love her band, love Allie Moss (& her song Corner - I'm obsessed)love her quick wit. Loved her cover of Radiohead & her version of  Ice, Ice Baby. I think this was my favorite concert of hers that we've attended. We liked it so much that we stayed past midnight, even though I had to teach seminary the next morning (yes, it hurt). Even though we'd only planned on staying for an hour, I just couldn't leave. My only complaint is that I can never really see at standing room only concerts. I should wear stilettos next time.
 I think we'll need to go to the Holiday Hop again this year, too.


Lindsey said...

fun concert and cute pics. i like the one of you failing to make the serious face. :)

i can imagine your morning alarm hurt.

Abbie said...

Oh, that was fun. I've been subjecting my children to Ingrid all week, over and over. I think Eli can sing along.

Maybe Mike can hoist you on his shoulders next time. I always love some good hoisting as a show.

Jill said...

That Ingrid is a witty lady. I had no idea. This was my first concert of hers, so I had a blast. A few songs I had never heard, and a few of my favorites too. A perfect mix.

Morgan said...

Yeah, I saw your warning after I watched the video. Thanks for the heads up, anyway;) Next time I'll be sure to read the directions before I begin. Anyway, I'm way jealous. How very exciting. I've never been to one of her concerts. One of these days... I love Ingrid, too (I'm kind of beginning to think that everyone does). You and I is one of my very favorites.

P.S. You look so pretty in all of the pictures. You and Mike are so cute. I loved the serious face ones. And the normal one, too:) And while I'm at it I'll just let you know that I love your new header as well. I love how you have a knack for making everything look so simple and so beautiful at the same time. That's something that I really want to work on. Simplicity is so, so beautiful.

Missy said...

I'd choose a concert over a movie anyday. This sounds like a great one. I've never seen her...but it sounds so so good.