Sep 11, 2009

Let's talk about something happier. Like pretty colors. Like Monet. Or maybe fashion.

Friend Jenn let me tag along as her guest to the member preview yesterday for the MOMA's Water Lilies exhibit (read the New York Times review). Don't ask me to explain what they mean, but I think that I appreciate Monet. The textures & colors of the paintings are so beautiful. I'd like to hang one on my wall.

On a separate note, I went & saw The September Issue last night with a lovely group of girls. Verdict: interesting, but not especially entertaining. It actually all made me kind of stressed out (um, maybe Anna Wintour is the scariest woman alive?). But the photography & styling from the shoots that they featured - amazing. And I always love seeing New York on film.

And. AND!!! Sister Tara is coming to visit next week. NEXT WEEK!! I love this because we talk (often), we talk about her coming to New York (often), & she just bought a ticket while we were on the phone (yesterday). Voila! She'll be here next Thursday!! It's amazing, & I love her for it. Keep your fingers crossed that she can find a babysitter.


Tara Edwards said...

Oooo! We can go museum hopping when I'm there! NEXT WEEK!!!!

Missy said...

I'm so jealous. I love love Monet. Very cool.

Unknown said...

I love, love Monet too. This kind of outing is my favorite and I really miss being so close to it all.