Sep 19, 2009


I hold a special affection for stacks of fruit. They're bright & pretty & organized. I have a polaroid of this same stand, from a few weeks ago (it's right around the corner from Caracas Arepa Bar & Butter Lane down in the East Village).

I took this photo this morning, after a meeting I had for seminary & a quick walk through the farmer's market at Union Square. There isn't a cloud in the sky today, but it was cold enough that I was wearing a corduroy jacket & jeans. PERFECT. I love, love, love fall.

Oh. Tara isn't here this weekend. Sigh. It's sort of a sad-slash-funny story. See, she was ready to drive to the airport on Thursday - bags packed, Kevin's schedule rearranged & kids scheduled with babysitters, playdates etc. for the weekend - when she printed her tickets & noticed that she had accidentally booked her ticket for, um, November. Instead of September. I guess this is just one of those situations where I just remember that my sister bought a ticket to come visit me because she loves me so much, & even though it didn't exactly quite happen (yet), it's the thought that counts. We can't wait to see her in November! 


Tara Edwards said...

Your sister is a big dork. I'm so sorry.

Jennifer said...

Sorry about your sister not coming...that's sorta a big let down. But now you have something to look forward to next month!

Love the farmer's market.

Missy said...

Oh bummer about Tara! But, that totally gives you something to look forward to come November. That's always fun.

I think the writing on farmer's markets signs make the stacks that much better. So organic:)