Sep 14, 2009

Today. 79th Street. 5pm.

(With friends Erin & Jill, walking home from an all-day outing to the Little Red Lighthouse.)
I'd really love to have Kelly Ripa's legs.
The bronze-ness + big sunglasses gave her away. I didn't have the heart to point my lens at her face, especially with her son next to her.
But I was lucky to have had my camera over my shoulder.
(I think it's fun that she's wearing a backpack.)


jocelyn said...

i was really proud of myself because i tried to guess who that was in the picture before reading what you wrote. i guessed right! she is so petite! i've always liked her. she seems like a genuinely nice person.

Elizabeth said...

Is she wearing shoes??? how fun! You totally should have stopped her and asked for a picture.

noelle said...

i've officially loved kelly ripa since 2001. what a thrill!

Lindsey said...

nice shot! just about the cutest thing with her son. and yea, she's got nice legs.

erin said...

my favorite part: she was eating something. that makes me feel a little better.

Morgan said...

Ok, so you want to know what's sad? I took one look at the picture- I couldn't even see the whole thing yet, maybe half of her head- and I knew that it was Kelly Ripa. This is pathetic. What's even sadder is that I know her son's name. Goodness gracious, I need a life. This reminds me of the time that I saw Brooke Shields' daughters once on Canal Street. They weren't even with her and I recognized them. I kind of, sort of felt like I should have been proud of the whole thing, but then at the same time I knew that I really, really, really shouldn't be. I must be sounding like the craziest person ever right now. Sorry if I've scared you.

So now I've totally gone off on a tangent. Sorry. Getting back to your post- very exciting!

Now tell me, was this not the weirdest comment you've ever received?

Jill said...

I was probably more excited than I should have been when we spotted her. And I'm not sure what she was eating (possibly a rice cake?), but I wanted to tell her to lay off. She is pushing 90 lbs now which is totally unacceptable.

k. said...

Morgan, not even close. Seriously. Not even close. :)

Missy said...

Ok I'm with Morgan, I knew before I read your commentary that it was Kelly Ripa. I actually think it was her hair first though that gave it away.

I wonder if the girl in the pink tank is texting that she just saw her too?

Lauren said...

I totally want to be BFFs with Kelly. I would have stopped her for a photo... but it looks like she might have been on the phone (?) so maybe not.

patrick said...

i wish that i didn't have kelly ripas legs.