Oct 2, 2009


Polaroids. Last week. With our happy yellow balloon.

My dad & I spent the day wandering through Central Park, eating at Shake Shack & shopping (for him, not me!), finishing off with an epic trip to Trader Joe's. It's fun to have him in the city with us. Visitors are a little few & far between for us, so it's just... nice. Oh, & I should mention that we've already watched Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice & Glee together. Love that we have the same taste in television shows. And that the woman in a shop today asked if I was his daughter.

Tomorrow - I'm off in the morning to shower friend Jill who's about ready to pop (hooray!), followed by a few sessions of General Conference that I'm really excited about.

And Sunday? My dad leaves. And Mike leaves. For the entire week (!!). Who wants to play??


Julia said...

I'm glad you are having fun with your dad. I am a total daddy's girl, so I am a little jealous. I totally want to play next week. Let's get together.

Oh, and I LOVE Glee. Perhaps we should get together and watch it.

Jennifer said...

If I weren't feeding my little one, I'd jump on a plane so fast. I need a few days in the city. 2010 is totally gonna be my year, so gear up for a visit from me.