Oct 2, 2009

Jill is almost done cooking her baby, & is doing it beautifully in the meantime.

Pregnancy & Jill? It just suits her. It really does. Her little one (a boy or a girl!) is due to come in just a few weeks & I snapped some photos of her on Wednesday afternoon to document the bump. Jill had this phenomenal idea of starting at the Hudson Hotel on the west side. Oh my gosh, the place is just amazing. If I were Jill, I'd give you a really thorough explanation of the philosophy behind the design & decor, but, um, I can't. I guess I can only say that it was a mix of modern & awesomeness. The terrace, the art, the chandelier in the lobby... I think I need to go grab a drink (club soda?) there sometime, just for an excuse to go back. Amazing. Afterwards, we headed to Central Park with Brad & just wandered. I love the bridges in the park & always seem to be running into a new one. The one we found was perfect. Loved it. Loved seeing Brad & Jill so happy & am so excited for them to become mom & dad.


Abbie said...

STOP IT!!! You're making me want to get pregnant just so I can get pictures like these. Just beautiful. Very well done.

Angie said...

I really should comment more, because I always read your posts and I always think your photography is awesome. I really loved these shots! Great great work. You are so talented! I especially love the last two.

Caitlin said...

She looks gorgeous even 9 months pregnant. These are darling Kathryn. I still love the ones you took for me so much. I have a few framed on my wall and I just adore them.

You are so talented.

Missy said...

The one at the NYC intersection (?) just her is my favorite, I think. Beautiful Jill!

erin said...

yeah, pregnancy sort of looks amazing on jill. you captured it beautifully.

Julia said...

She looks amazing, I can't believe the little one is almost here.

We put people up at the Hudson Hotel all the time, but I had never seen it before. Let me know if you ever want to stay there, I can get you a great rate (also at the Lucerne and a few other places).

Kera said...

You got some really GREAT ones.

Unknown said...

I've never seen such a pretty pregnancy. Really. You're great, Kathryn.

I think it's a boy, Jill.

Lindsey said...

Beautiful. She looks radiant and almost makes me want to be pregnant again. That's saying something!

Louise said...

This has done nothing to help my broodiness!! Jill is beautiful (I hope she reads all of these comments!) and I love the same one Missy did the best (I love her turquoise bag and the bright pop of red scarf).

Beautiful. And Jill, if you do read these comments - Welcome to Motherhood. You are going to LOVE it!

Jill said...

K we are so thrilled with these! honestly they are some of the nicest pictures we have together, and I really am so happy to have the baby bump documented so well.

thank you, thank you. and thank you to all of the nice comments too. (i'm also guessing boy... i can hardly wait to find out now).

Jan said...

Simply beautiful Kathryn! Jill is radiant, and your locations were just perfect. Congratulations on a job well done!

Jennifer said...

Jill is pretty. I like the one of her in the street too. And the ones in the park.

Love the tights.

c & t said...

Seester you are looking beautiful! These will be such nice photos for you and Brad to have. Can't wait! 9 MORE DAYS.

Kellie said...

well done! i love these photos so so much. such a treasure for the little beebs to have too.

Kera said...

How fun is her super curly hair. I love it.

caitlin and brinton said...

I love these - you are talented. She's beautiful!

mb said...

I know where that bridge is!! One of my favorite. I love the pics, I also love her sweater dress and the tights. Awesome.

p.s. are these the Skousens you asked if I knew?

Joanna said...

So so so pretty.

Jill said...

probably one of the cutest pregnant gals i've ever seen. these pictures turned out great, nice work!

Morgan said...

Oh my goodness, she's so gorgeous! She must be so happy to have all of these fabulous pictures. Great job, Kathryn, just as always.

Elizabeth said...

I wish I would have gotten maternity shots.. The closest I came was all the kids around me in the hospital bed.. Darn.

Molly said...

my good friend caitlin creer pointed me towards your blog. beautiful maternity shoot. love it.

TnD said...

I'm a friend of Jill and just wanted to say what a wonderful job you did. Jill looks radiant. What a gift to her and her little unborn.

Kelly said...

Beautiful photos. I'm sure it helps to have such a beautiful couple to start with but still you are very talented. (I'm Brad's sister.)