Oct 15, 2009

Hymns don't have to be lame.

NieNie posted about this new collection of hymns the other day. I bought almost all of the songs from iTunes about 7 minutes later. Love, love, love the modern take on some of my favorite hymns & will love having them on my Sunday playlist. Especially love All Creature of Our God & King by Spencer Harrison & Lauren Casper. Kind of reminded me our friends Nathan & Sarah Jane who did the BEST. (Special, of course) MUSICAL. NUMBER. EVER. in our ward several months ago before they moved. Seriously. The best ever. Nathan & Sarah Jane Unplugged. It was amazing. They should record it & put it on iTunes.


Heather said...

I was wondering if this was good. A friend in our ward produced it. I picked it up at the bookstore yesterday but couldn't bring myself to pay $17 for it. I think iTunes is a great way to go. Thanks!

Meg said...

I'm so glad you shared this. I've been a big fan of all the EFY CD's and so this is refreshing CD that I as well will be adding to my sounds of Sunday.

Kellie said...

I'm so glad you like this CD. My brother sings "It Is Well With My Soul" on the CD. It's my favorite :) Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathryn!
You don't know me, but I'm Jen Rauzon's sister and I'm totally guilty of stalking your blog...hehe I just love your reading it! Your so talented and I'm jealous of you exciting NYC life :)

k. said...

Shannon! Aah! The missing link! Love your sisters (& your mom - she's so nice!) & I bet I'd love you. But your private blog is hurting that potential. Sigh.


B said...

Kathryn, my husband plays and sings with Libbie Linton on Come Come Ye Saints (by the way, you would love Libbie Linton's other music if you like Regina Spektor and such). Spencer Harrison lives in my house (we own a duplex) and is in my husband's band (Fictionist) Lauren Casper is one of my great friends. I just had to thank you for such a nice shout out to my friends/family. It's a great CD. (by the way, Nathan Bowen's brother, Jeremy, used to play bass in my husband's band before moving to Seattle, he's also a good friend of ours). so many connections...

Anonymous said...

I know, I know. I've just had a recent experience with mean blog lurkers....apparently you have to watch what you write! What is your e-mail? I will add you!

k. said...

Oh Shannon, I've had lots of those. Kind of makes me want to crawl into a no-blogging cave sometimes, but c'est la vie.
