Oct 13, 2009

House of Worship.

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is one of my favorite quiet places in the city. I love the feeling of reverence there, the stained glass, the spectacularly high ceilings, the choir seats & the organ. I walked through it again last Friday & it was just spectacular. It was virtually empty, & almost silent.

I really want to go to one of the Choral Evensong services soon. Anyone want to join?


Julia said...

I'm in. I love St. John the Divine-- so beautiful and so peaceful. I sneak away from the office on bad days and go there.

Angie said...

Great shots! I was excited to see these after you posted about them in your 'preview' post. I always love to see your photographic take on places I've been too. I wish I could notice and capture the details the way you do! You're amazing.