Oct 11, 2009

A preview of things to come.

It's been a busy few days & I've taken a lot of photos that I need to work through.

Mike's mom came into the city on Friday & we played tour guide to a visiting General Authority's wife. It was fun. I introduced them to Kitchenette, & then we stopped by the impressionists wing of The Met where Jeanne tried to teach us things about Monet & Van Gogh. I really like the paintings with really textured, thick paint. And bright colors. I like that, too. I'm not so sophisticated when it comes to discussing art. Obviously.

Mike came home Friday night. Finally. I'm happy he's back.

We spent Saturday up north, going to a West Point football game, walking around the campus & running around in a car (fun!) with friends Amy & Tim. Target with a car is oh so much better, especially when you get to go to The Cheesecake Factory afterwards (we had the leftovers for lunch & dinner today). $12 entrees make me happy, as do friends who we can easily spend 13 hours straight with.

We went to an organ recital at The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Morningside Heights this evening with friends Jill & Brad.  I love the Cathedral's free concerts in the fall, although our organ has more pipes than their organ. And afterwards, Jill made these pumpkin whoopee pies that were so delicious (even though they have a very silly name). My fingers are crossed that she'll send me the recipe.

I think I have shin splints.

Photos & such to come. I need a really great night's sleep first.


Lindsey said...

You have been busy. Lots of fun things. Can't wait to see pictures!

Lindsey said...

You have been busy. Lots of fun things. Can't wait to see pictures!

Caitlin said...

Busy girl. Who were you hosting?

erin said...

cheesecake factory? i think i may need some. or at least a slice of carrot cake cheesecake. and maybe jill's whoopee pies. cos i'm wasting away, obviously.