Dec 3, 2009

Hammerstein Ballroom.

Best. Concert. Ever.

Manchester Orchestra. Jack's Mannequin. Passion Pit. Phoenix. Each band played for about 45 minutes & each band was a-mazing. Especially Passion Pit, although we missed most of Manchester Orchestra (oops), so maybe it's not fair to give a final verdict.

Jack's Mannequin was fun. Something Corporate (the lead singer's last band) makes me remember falling in love with Mike in college, riding around in his car with the windows rolled down, & that's a feeling that is lovely to revisit. Phoenix was great, although it was past midnight & I was teaching seminary in 6 hours, so we finally left.

Mike says that we should go to one concert a month. That might be a teensy bit excessive, but I love our more frequent concert-goings over the past few years. Concert date nights are fun, even if we just grab Chipotle beforehand & sit up in the seats because we're feeling too old to stand in the crowd (for 4 hours!??).

(Jack's Mannequin. Passion Pit. Phoenix.)


jocelyn said...

fun! i love going to concerts, but you're right, they usually make me feel old. and i find myself saying things like, "kids these days..."

mb said...

We saw Phoenix and passion pit this past summer in Central Park and it WAS awesome! Such a fun show!

Jill said...

I wish I knew these people! Now that makes me feel old. I'm so out of the hip music scene.

Lindsey said...

Fun concert. Phoenix + passion pit sounds amazing.