Jan 10, 2010

Much love for K Dub

Smokin' hot date on Thursday PM with K Dub. We had a VIP session on "Shooting HD Video on your DSLR" at the Fifth Ave Mac Store. This two-hour jaunt mainly consisted of Kathryn listening to some stereotypical Mac guy (picture horn-rimmed glasses and skin tight t shirts, irrespective of physical fitness) drone on about how cool his $10,000 camera equipment was, while I tried to trick Geniuses in to explaining how to use Handbrake DVD ripping software (a big no-no to those law suit-wary Mac nerds).

We accomplished our primary objective of the evening: figure out how the heck to activate the video function. Here's our first run of shooting "HD" (not really visible in HD on the web because we didn't render it properly) on the 5D. *The shot is blurry due to my lack of talent in managing the manual focus, but at the end of the clip I think you can still make out Kathryn's glaring scowl at my immaturity.

After discovering this new world of documentary possibilities, we moved our party to Pop Burger for a little impromptu crunking session. Here's a shot of mah shorty gettin' LOW!

I bet you didn't know K Dub could get down like that. She's actually amazingly musical and rhythmic. SO musical that when her hairs get all over the bathroom, they fall in the shape of treble clefs.

Unrelated note for the evening: If anyone is interested in what wet nail polish tastes like, I believe Kathryn can tell you from personal experience.


Kelsey said...

This post makes me very happy. It also makes me wish that we had a device to record video on. Very cool.

Missy said...

this is fun. devin got me the flip for christmas and I'm obsessed. I had too much of a week to post anything, but videos are fun. I loved the first one.

and are you wearing tennies? For some reason I feel like your feet might be cold?!

Lindsey said...

love the videos! and i really want video on my camera now... how fun you have this option...

Mary Grace said...

The dance! It was absolutely cute and charming.

di said...

ha! M-diddy and K-dub...take us clubbin' in soho. i wanna see more! :P i heart pop burger.

k. said...
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k. said...


Missy, sneakers, yes. I knew we were cabbing it both ways so I stretched things a bit. I get really tired of wearing boots ALL. WINTER. LONG. But freezing outside - yes. :)

Mike, thanks for showcasing my sparkling personality & INCREDIBLE dancing skills for the world. I'm so awesome. Ha. :)

(That hair might be a miracle, but it still kind of grosses me out!)

mb said...

that's an awesome "wife glare" I think all wives master it to a great effect.

Right after I got my rebel they came out with the rebel that shoots video. awesome.

Tara Edwards said...

Hehehe! I love it. But the hair sort of is gross. You totally need to go clubbing!

Kera said...

love the glare.

Elizabeth said...

Hudson just watched the second video with me and said thats my kafrin.. She is silly.

Jill said...

love the dancing K. and the treble clef is hysterical... if you could sell that in a shape on ebay you would make a million.

erin said...

it's time for a dance class. mike posts are a good thing.