Jan 20, 2010


(Excuse me while I step up onto my soap box for a minute.)

The world is a big place, a massive place. It's overwhelming to think just how much is going on at this very moment - & how very different those events might be. Last week was a prime example. Friend Erin was welcoming baby Indie into the world in a nice cozy hospital in New York City's posh Upper West Side, while a few thousand miles away, an earthquake devastated, displaced & even killed thousands upon thousands of people. I can't really even comprehend this number. Not even close. It's heartbreaking. Devastating. And Indie's arrival? So beautiful. So happy. In a way, it was conflicting. A massive loss of live versus the miracle of new life. But really? The sharp juxtaposition between the two doesn't mean that we have to abandon our happiness & wallow in sorrow because bad things are happening in the world. And it certainly doesn't mean that we can't be happy & grateful for the things / people / temporal blessings that we have in our own lives in that same moment. But - we must remember, & we must be aware. And more importantly, we have to help.

We chose to donate an amount of money that we felt we were able. I told Mike that we should, & the answer was an unequivocal yes, we should. I also love the idea of this tshirt to continue to remind people, to ensure that people don't forget (& it doesn't hurt that it's printed on American Apparel's softest tshirt which I love, & the design is so great). Because Haiti will certainly not be healed over night, & they need the world's help. I'm ordering one.


Lindsey said...

i just saw this on another blog too. great shirt, great cause.

it's all too much. devastating.

Jan said...


Unknown said...

I think it's sad when people avoid the truth because they don't want to "wallow in sorrow". Remembering and being aware is key! But I do think we need to feel that sorrow a bit to be motivated enough to really help. (And then enjoy our own happiness because that's the purpose of this life.) These kinds of venues are nice (I love American Apparel too) since they're really pushing that $ donations are the best way for the normal person to jump in right now. It's all just a mess. This life can be so complex.

k. said...

I don't think people are avoiding anything, actually - the wallowing part, that is - & that's not what I was suggesting at all. I think they're choosing to be positive, by not abandoning their happiness like I said, while still being aware of the world & circumstances around them & making an effort to help. There's a huge difference, & I think that people who are happy / positive are still quite capable having an impact / being sensitive / helping. And of course remembering / awareness is key (which is why I love this tshirt & posted it).

Unknown said...

Kathryn, I wasn't meaning you or what you wrote at all. I was 100% agreeing with what you said. I'm sorry it came across otherwise. What I meant was you're right- we need to remember and be aware and the tshirt is a venue that can take us there. My comment was also saying that it's hard to allow our selves to feel happy AND feel the sadness enough to be motivated to help make a difference for the better. (AND that it's true- some people just don't want to hear what's really going on because that will affect how they feel. That's when I'm sad- just avoiding the conflict in the world. Just a side thought that maybe wasn't relevant enough for a comment here.)

k. said...

Got it. :)

Missy said...

Oh my goodness, I'm going to get one for Devin and me too. Thanks for posting it! Really, what a great cause. I love that 100% profits go to the org. That's huge.

Jill said...

its so hard to watch the news and see what is going on over there. so so sad. but awesome that we can help too, and hopefully make some small difference.

and the shirt is awesome. love it.

Morgan said...

Very well said, Kathryn. I think you just put all of my feelings into words. I saw the shirt somewhere else and you just reminded me that I need to buy one:)

Elizabeth said...

I am going to order one what size do you think? is this like a sleep in type shirt or workout?

Anonymous said...

I'm ordering one as we speak. Great post, Kathryn. I have donated the same way you and Mike have, what I feel I am able. But I will be honest, it's hard when you wish you could donate more. Give everything you have. It's a humbling, yet horrible feeling at the same time.

Courtney said...

thank you for posting this! the thoughts & the t-shirt link... thank you!

erin said...

i had no idea what had happened until the day we brought indie home and turned on the news. i felt guilty not having known what had been going on, and your comparison to indie's birth vs. the horrible loss of humanity was exactly the mix of emotions that really struck me. love this shirt.