Mar 15, 2010

Other things.

Thank you, thank you friends. Really! Your nice comments are like hugs to me! From old friends + new friends + virtual friends, they were all just fun. We're excited that you're excited, & all of your congrats made us so happy. Really, thank you. It feels kind of funny to have our little secret out in the open, but with my waistline soon to be expanding I'm sure, we figured we may as well take the leap before people started to grow concerned about my seemingly excessive Shake Shack intake. In the meantime, I'm now the lucky recipient of emails (from What to Expect & the like) with subject lines like Your Changing Vaginal Discharge (this morning) & Quick Fixes for Constipation (last week). Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, but seriously! They just don't tell you everything in high school sex ed. I think we'd see a huge decrease in teen pregnancy if they told them that they'd have their face in the toilet for 8+ weeks & be so tired that the days of staying up past 7:30pm are quickly referred to as the glory days. But things are on the upswing! I haven't thrown up in 5 days 5 minutes [post edit, boo]. My days of subway-platform puking are hopefully over (that was an especially sad day). And I finally got some brand new happy pills from my doctor this past week & I think they're mostly working. And I'm feeling just a little bit better.

Oh - & our little video below. I forgot to give Mike well deserved & proper credit. See, he's kind of the king of the iPhone. And while our Nazi ultrasound tech wouldn't let him take photos, he was sleuth (& quick thinking) enough to record the audio of the heart beat. We'd never heard it before (!!) & it kind of shocked us both to hear it. I'm so, so glad that he got it. Really just amazing, & gives me shivers every time I listen to it. And I'm thinking that someday, I'm going to do really cool things with iMovie instead of just putting audio with a photo.


It rained so hard Saturday that after running out in the morning for some quick shopping & a trip to Trader Joe's, I didn't leave my apartment for the rest of the day. And that was fine by me. See paragraph above re: excessive fatigue. The wind + rain was really extreme. Mike's parent's didn't fare so well out in New Canaan. They lost power, & a massive tree fell down in their yard, missing their home by just a few feet. Phew. 

Headband headaches make me sad.

We're eating a lot of Trader Joe's pizzas lately. Well, using the pizza dough to make homemade pizza. Our favorite is BBQ Chicken - we had it for lunch yesterday. Perfect. Fresh dough + a rotisserie chicken (so cheap & easy) + the smoky BBQ sauce from Trader Joe's + fresh mozzarella cheese + red onions + lots & lots of fresh cilantro. Yum. I don't think we'd ever made homemade pizza until the Bowen's had us over a few years ago (?!) & introduced us to it. We love them for that.

Speaking of cooking - I made the yummiest dinner Saturday night. Couscous & Parsley Crusted Fish. Better than eating out, especially on such a rainy, gross day. It really was delicious - kind of like gourmet fish sticks. 

The warmer temperatures lately mean that we've been sleeping with our window open. I love that. I love  feeling the wind at night (& listening to the rain, lately), & hearing the birds first thing in the morning make me feel like we're on a tropical vacation. There are so many birds in our "backyard". And our owl? He's back! He wakes us up (early) every morning with his hoo, hoo. It's amazing! Our own little New York City owl. 

Mike bought a massive umbrella on Saturday. Massive! I saw it & immediately told him that I hate people who carry those umbrellas! They take up the entire sidewalk, & I think that's just rude on crowded streets! But he loves it, & it kept both of us dry on the way home from church yesterday, so I'll stop making fun of him. But really. I seethe with anger when I see people with massive umbrellas on rainy days. 

We're going to Amsterdam on Friday. Mike has a meeting with a client on Tuesday, so we're making a long weekend adventure out of it. Neither of us have been, but we're excited. Suggestions, internet? So far on my list: The Anne Frank house, lots of bikes & lots of eating. It's a good place to start, I suppose. 


Unknown said...

Well I see I'm a few days late, but congratulations on the wee one. Pregnancy does suck, but trust me - one day you'll be glad you went through it.
- And then somehow you'll forget and do it again, then wonder why you're doing it again. It's vicious.
Seriously though YAY! for you guys! Good luck in the meantime.

Unknown said...

Wow an Owl in the city??? Would love to see that.. I wouldn't mind the "Hoo-Hoo" in the mornings.. I would say to him "Hello, Mr Owl. How was your night." LOL!! Happy Monday!!

P.S Sleeping with the window open is the best!! :)

Heidi said...

So true about pregnancy, I had no idea when I first was pregnant that it was going to affect EVERY SINGLE PART of me. I always heard about the nausea and of course weight gain, but was clueless it would manifest itself everywhere and anywhere from my fingernails to my skin to the taste in my mouth, etc.

Kylie Whiting said...

so so so so exciting. so happy for the two of you! congrats!

Jill said...

that pizza looks dang good. nice work! and what were we thinking going out in that weather on sat? least F21 had a few gems, and the 5 min line at TJ's was a miracle.

Sarah said...

Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities in the world. There are two really great art museums- the official Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum. The Rijksmuseum is huge but they have a nice museum brochure to help you hit all the highlights. Be sure to eat a stroop waffle. You can get warm ones from vendors on the street or buy them in the grocery store. They are delicious. My favorite restaurant is called Wagamamas (its actually a British thing but they have one there). If you have time to see a tulip flower market or make it out to the Hague (which is like 30 min. from Amsterdam) its worth a visit. In the Hague they have the M.C. Escher museum which is really cool. Amsterdam can be a little shocking given the number of people who will probably ask you if you want to buy drugs etc. I love it though. The people are very friendly. Sorry this seems a bit long, especially given that I don't know you other then that I read your blog, but I really love the Netherlands. :0)

Morgan said...

Thinking about you and Mike and your baby on the way still makes me soooo happy! Mike was so clever to think to record the heartbeat. Now you two have it to listen to whenever you want. So sweet!

k. said...

Ooh Sarah, thank you! You're very nice & these are great recommendations.

(& we tried Wagamama's in London a few years ago - I guess it's a global chain, right??)

Unknown said...

The Netherlands and the Dutch are so great. I'm not an expert (just played tourist for several years..) but I'm partial to The Hague and the countryside: gouda's cheese market, Keukenhof gardens, Edam, Delft. But bikes, the Van Gogh museum and Anne Frank's house are definitely a nice start. Maybe Babyccino's Amsterdam city guide would be helpful for specific places to eat and shop. (And look into a legit canal ride, eat lots of cheese and buy a real eclair.)

I hope you're feeling better soon. Aren't those magic pills helpful (does yours knock you out?).

Missy said...

Amsterdam?! That is so exciting. You'll love it no doubt. I've never been there so I don't have any suggestions, but bike riding and museums sound perfect to me right now.

That bbq pizza looks delicious. gourmet even. I'm going to add that to our Friday pizza plan.

Oh and we have an owl too! Right outside our bedroom window. A little spooky when I hear it at 2 am though...

Julie said...

I was just reading your blog while waiting for my bbq chicken pizza (with LOTS of cilantro) to cook. :) Have fun in Amsterdam-baby's first trip!

Kelsey said...

Woah baby! An Amsterdam weekend getaway is so posh. How exciting and fun!!!

Lauren said...

You guys are going to my FAVORITE city! We took our kids there this summer. If you want any formal suggestions I can invite you to our blog. We recorded it all. It will probably make you nauseous though:)

You can't go wrong with whatever you choose. Just walking through the streets and canals is fun. Make sure to get dutch pancakes.

BTW Eli's has a good frozen pizza dough if you can't make the trip to Trader Joe's. And they have really good frozen roll dough.

chelsea mckell said...

Congrats on the pregnancy!

Meg said...

Just wanted to give you a shout out and tell you congrats on the baby to be!!

Jamie said...

The Anne Frank House is a must. When I was there we took a river boat ride that takes you through all of town that might be nice if the weather is good. Go see some windmills if you can, buy some delft (sp?) blue plates, and be sure to eat the ice cream (I can't remember what it's called but it's mix between custard and regular ice cream) and wine gums! Have fun.