Apr 15, 2010

The Conservatory Garden & a story about an inconclusive ultrasound.

I went to the Conservatory Garden at Central Park late last week with friends Julia & Emma. It was a grey & slightly drizzly day, & the light was just beautiful. After discovering it last year, I searched for & quickly found my favorite bench in the park - & snapped another photo. One + one does equal everything, I think - & soon enough, 1+1 = 3 for our family.

(Still sort of crazy.) 

On that note - We had a very inconclusive ultrasound recently. Dr. Teaiwa was nice enough to give me an "extra" ultrasound just in case, to see if she could get a gender on Baby a few (4!) weeks early. But as luck would have it, Baby just wouldn't cooperate & decided to spend 20 minutes doing modest gymnastics instead.

Given my track record of patience, I immediately called an ultrasound clinic in Queens (this isn't Utah, & we don't have strip malls) & booked an appointment for a rogue ultrasound. Next week. Next week! I've been counting down every single day, getting more & more excited as the date approaches. It's still sort of surreal that I'm even this pregnant in the first place, but even more surreal that Baby will no longer be an "it". I think it will make pregnancy a bit more tangible for me, more real, more emotional. Because besides a little bump on my tummy & a little flutter every now & then (those are new - & I love them!), I just can't really wrap my head around this idea that I'M MAKING A HUMAN.

(You know, not tangible I guess besides the 17 weeks of nausea I've experienced. I won't jinx myself & say that I'm feeling better even though I'm feeling much better this week, but I see the light! I do. And in the meantime, I'm still loving the things that have been staples to my diet since January - clementines, orange juice, grapes & English muffins. And shoot - lettuce, tomatoes & soup all still remain on my DO NOT EAT! list.)

So. A boy! Or a girl! A real person in there. I used to think that I knew which one it was, & plenty of people have shared their own opinions with me, but now I know that I have absolutely, positively no idea. I just don't have a clue. None at all. All I know is that I'm excited either way. I just want to meet our baby, because really - I know lots of wonderful little girls, & so many sweet little boys. I've loved to spend so much time with them this year, & to photograph them (thank you, friends). And I just honestly couldn't be disappointed either way.

Can't wait.


Katherine said...

so exciting that you get to find out next week! Have you done the chinese gender predection chart?

Kellie said...

very exciting. i'm guessing boy based on your latest food staples. nothing scientific...just a hunch :)

k. said...

Chinese gender chart says girl, but let's face it - those things are about 50% accurate. :)

Louise said...

Every woman I have known who has craved oranges has had a boy!! And when I was expecting Adelaide and barely able to eat anything, I was desperate for lettuce! So I'm guessing boy!

But, like you, let's be honest - what a blessing either way! I am so excited for you - your heart will grow in ways you cannot even imagine. And we can already assume that this little one is smart - he/she made an excellent choice of parents.

ellen said...

I think you're having a girl...just sayin'.

Missy said...

the other comments are funny b/c with BOTH my girls I craved oranges, despised lettuce and loved tortilla chips. I'm guessing girl (if this is a vote:) !!

Jan said...

I love, love love the fact that this baby will be born to two parents who will so perfectly provide a beautiful, loving home for him(her). I haven't been so excited for anything this wonderful in a long time! Though I kind of wish for a _I will love either....absolutely adore either! I think there is not more than an hour or two of each day that the vision of this little one doesn't dance across my mind. And that it does...literally dances! You can tell I'm happy, yes?

Kellie said...

I couldn't get enough of oranges and clementines at the beginning of my pregnancy, not sure if that means girl for you or not...

For selfish reasons, I hope it's a girl so that BG Robbins will have a pen pal in NYC.

Lauren said...

Can't wait to hear the good news:)

Melissa said...

So excited for you Kathryn! Can't wait to hear what this baby is! Isn't it fun to feel the baby move?! I love that!

Heidi said...

Boy or girl- either way it will be wonderful and perfect for your family.

Jill said...

i say go with your 1st intuition, and mt chinese chart was right even though i guessed boy