Apr 19, 2010

Field trip to Queens.

We are the lucky, lucky parents-to-be (!!) of a little baby boy.

We're so happy!

(We celebrated by eating really great Indian food in Queens.)


Katherine said...

yea! so exciting.

Lizzie said...

Congrats! I'm sure it's so fun to know.

Kellie said...

Happy day!! So excited for you two, three!

Erin said...

yay!!! Congrats! Lil boys are the BEST. So fun to have first. When I was prego with Carson I tried to find out what he was early at the genetic testing ultra sound. They told me he was a GIRL!! So I happily went out shopping. Only to find out a few weeks later that he was really a boy. Kinda made me sad, but turned out so great. Don't think you have to worry about that one though. They usually aren't wrong on boys! :) I'm so happy for you, a little new york boy. So fun!

Tara said...

My boys are SOOOOOOOO excited! I think they are imagining him coming out around 5 years old and ready to play however....

Heidi said...

Such great news. Congrats to you both!

PJ and Julie said...

Congratulations!! Boys are SO MUCH fun! I find myself laughing all day long...and not just because Ben's favorite item/word is Truck...pronounced with a F. :)

Can't wait to see how adorable he is. Let the shopping begin!!

Missy said...

Best news of the day! Little boys are unbelievably adorable. And how cute is he going to be?! Congrats to you both! Happy for you!

Jennifer said...

Oh, boys are awesome. I love having a boy--it's so much different than a girl. They love their mommas so much :)

I try to stick to solids, stripes, and camo. No characters or cheesy pictures of balls (any sport). With boys, simple is best. I hope you'll do the same :)

Great news!

Louise said...

I am SO excited for you both, and for him too!! Congratulations!!!

Jill said...

so very,very happy for you!

mb said...


di said...

woohoo! congrats on the XY! xo

Jill said...

can't wait to meet this little guy!

Melissa said...

Boys are so fun! Congrats! You look absolutely beautiful by the way! :)

Lindsey said...

Yay! So happy for you guys. And I am with Jen, little boys love their mommy so so much.

Unknown said...

it opens a whole new world knowing, don't you think! that's very exciting! of course I love boys too..

Morgan said...

Yay, yay, yay! I'm so happy for you two! It must feel so great to finally know. How exciting!

erin said...

manchild whiting... i cannot wait.

Angie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so exciting. For some reason I imagined it was a girl. But this is so exciting! Boys are so fun (and easier to dress, haha). You will be the best parents. And can I just say I cannot believe you are that far along? You don't even look pregnant! You're tiny; I hope I'm like that when I'm pregnant. Anyway, congrats!

Mary Grace said...

Yay! I can't wait to see beautiful photos of your dear boy!

noelle said...

a boy!!!!!! congratulations! so. happy. i think there's something lovely and special about firstborn sons.

Lula. said...

Boys are SO MUCH FUN. I'm sure you are already aware of that, being an aunt and all. Just thought I would throw it out there.

We are so SO happy for you two (three!).

emily said...

Yay for you guys! Of course boy or girl would've been great, but boys I can relate to. :)

Emily said...

Congratulations!!!! So very exciting! My favorite place for baby gifts is Pippin Lane, which is the best baby shop in New Orleans. I couldn't find a website for them though so that may not help you out very much...Little Giraffe has the softest and prettiest blankets! That is my go-to gift for friends with babies! Again, hooray!!!