May 20, 2010


From Central Park on Sunday. Kelsey & Kylie. Love these sisters. 

8 more shots in my last roll of Polaroid film (then I'm taking a break from the $2+ per photo until prices come down)
4 more mornings of 6:30am Seminary
7 days until we move into our new apartment
11 days until we're on a beach in the middle of the Caribbean
34 days until I'm at Priest Lake 
36 days until Mike is there with me
129 days (+/-) until Baby Boy is done cooking


Jan said...

Boy, you have all kinds of wonderful things to look forward to. How awesome!

Louise said...

Kathryn, this is such an exciting year/time for you!! I can't wait to see pictures of your apartment, trip to the Caribbean, Priest Lake and of course, Baby Boy!! So much to look forward to!

noelle said...

wait, i think you need to cut that 129 days business down. i don't like the look of it and i have to add another 30 days onto it for mine. how about weeks... like... uh... what's 129/7? like you have 17/18 sundays left. this sounds so much better...

noelle said...

no, kathryn. you need to do that post! people have awesome ideas. i just will not give you any good advice, because i have literally forgotten life with a newborn. there are plenty out there who are much more in the know than i ever was even in the throes of immediate post partum. plus, i want to see the advice. do it for me. do it for us... (i think it's a boy, too - at least according to the super scientific and incredibly accurate and not at all mythological chinese birth gender chart)