May 20, 2010

Internet, I need your help (please).

I'm a list maker. 

Generally, I keep them in the notes section of my BlackBerry. Grocery list, wish list, birthday list, NYC to do list, restaurants to try list, baby names list, books to read list, dinner ideas list, nieces + nephews list (16 & counting), fish I shouldn't eat while pregnant list, password list, organic fruits I should eat lists, etc. etc. 

I like lists. They make me feel better sometimes. In control, you know?

The most overwhelming one right now? Baby things I need list. See, the problem is that I don't really know what to put on it. I'm slightly clueless, really. Right now, I just know that Baby Boy needs cute clothes. And a stroller to navigate New York City streets. That's about as far as I've gotten thus far.

Internet, will you please help me? Friends with babies, friends who have friends who have babies... Do you have things you like best? Necessities? Luxuries? What are your favorite things you've either given, received or maybe even just dreamed about? 

Thanks friends. You're nice to help me.


jocelyn said...

be prepared for lots of suggestions!

i remember feeling the exact same way. people will tell you different things to not get because their baby didn't like it. ie: "don't waste your money on a swing. billy would cry every time i put him in it". obviously, that doesn't mean your baby will hate a swing. but when it comes to things like swings, bumbos, play mats, bouncy chairs, blah blah blah, they are all certainly things you can get later and play by ear which you want to try out.

for me, necessity from day one home from the hospital was a sound machine. we lived in a noisy apartment and in order for lucy to not be disturbed by neighbors, i was really happy to have it. (i have this one and love it:|1287991011&keywords=sound%20machine&searchSize=90&id=Conair%20Infant%20Sound%20Machine%20SU7&searchBinNameList=purchasing_channel%2Csubjectbin%2Ctarget_com_age%2Ctarget_com_gender-bin%2Ctarget_com_character-bin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchRank=-price&sr=1-14&searchPage=1). i also swear by swaddling and used these: but again, that's a personal preference. i would have some pacifiers on hand, just in case your little guy decides he likes them. also, if you're going to nurse, i would recommend buying a nursing bra much much much bigger than you think you will need. i went shopping for one when i was around 37 weeks and still, after my milk came in it wasn't even close to fitting. but it is certainly something you will want to have from day one when you get home from the hospital. also lots of lanolin and breast pads.

there's my two cents!

Corinne said...

I've got a list that I'll email you. It's made the rounds--SJ, Jill, etc. One quick thing--you won't need a highchair until the baby is 6 months, so don't needlessly clutter your nyc apartment (and then get one that'll fold up).

noelle said...

atta girl. i'm taking notes...

oh, except one thing i do remember. a lot of spit-up/throw-up/projectile vomiting. those flimsy so-called burp cloths did nothing. cloth diapers were where it's at. i would buy packs of 12 white cloth diapers at target...

heather said...

My friend Christine created this list and it was picked up by the LA Times blog:,0,596086.story


Katherine said...

I have a baby list on my phone as well. So overwhelmed by all of the stuff that we have to buy. Can't wait to see what people say.

Katherine said...

PS- I love this high chair. where did you find it?

Candace said...

Don't buy a big me, they are worthless. I don't have this one ( but I would buy it for my 4th. I have used the sponges you can buy at Target for $4 and throw away when you are done with them at around 5 months.

We have moved so much that having a crib was a pain. We ditched the crib (although I will get a beautiful one someday when we are more settled) and use a pack 'n play. It has a bassinet for when they are young and works great. My second slept in it until he was 18 months old. My almost 8 month old now doesn't know the difference and it works. Although, it doesn't make a very good statement for the nursery.

My list could go on forever, but I'll stop.

Just one more thing...or two.. Buy the softest clothing you can find. Organic is usually some of the best. I love some of the clothing that Baby Gap carries for newborns. Oh, and I love the gowns for their first month. So easy and snapping after middle of the night changes, etc.

Heidi said...

Aden and Anias swaddling blankets- definitely a must!!!

I also made this list a few years ago...

Also, about 2-3 weeks ago Design Mom did a whole week dedicated to this topic, if you want to take a look.

Unknown said...

I hope you post your favorites eventually! I'm sure you're having fun shopping. I love the lists too! (I still have a "baby wish list" on my computer.)

For newborns, here's my list:

*huge packet of Pampers Swaddlers
*sensitive wipes
*changing pad (I LOVE Patemm pads)
*many swaddling blankets (Aden and Anais!)
*binky (if you're doing binkies): Born Free or Gumdrop are my favorite
*bottles (for pumped milk, supplementing formula, etc.): born free, greentogrow and thinkbaby worked best for me. (bottle brush)
*LOTS of thick burp cloths.
*I like to have a little portable changing station (a basket full of the essentials)
*a bath (Puj)
*wash cloths (for bathing and changing little boys! a whole stack.)
*sensitive body wash
*a couple of hooded towels

-moses basket/bassinet: I think lalapanzi are amazing (Even if you have a crib- I just like being able to bring sleeping baby from room to room. And mine always like close quarters up until several months old..)
-a bouncer! (oeuf)
-a baby carrier/sling!
-I like those jj cole bundle me lites for the stroller
-carseat: we use Peg Perego

-many sleeping gowns (quick change at night- no buttons!)
-socks (the newborn boden socks stayed on the best)
-booties (love Kina!)
-rompers/soft pants + shirts outfits
-lots of white onesies to go under clothes (Gerber organic were nice. Or just Gap. You don't need fancy- they get stained.)
- a couple of beanies (for the first couple of weeks and sleeping)- zutano stayed on the best.

for you:
*(breastpump, soft breastpads, the hospital usually sends you home with Lanalin, ...)
*a new lounge outfit

Missy said...

Everyone has different must haves. But, you asked so here are mine:) the brand I like is in ( ).

For the newborn:
Newborn gowns (kate quinn organics)
white onesies (organic gerber from target are soft!)
1-2 preemie soft comfortable outfits because not even 0-3 month clothes fit my newborns. And they grow out of it so fast, but it's nice to have something that actually fits them for the first 2 weeks.
Swaddling blankets (aden and anais)
little baby beanies

Baby carrier (Bjorn, Ergo)
carseat, stroller, bouncer (ouef)

I wouldn't think of much else. Newborns do not need a whole lot. And as they grow you can decide if/when they need more.

For you:
comfortable, new clothes for weeks after birth, Pads (regular pads, breast pads, Tucks pads), a few nursing bras (I have a variety of bras so I can give you links if you want via email), lipgloss.

Lindsey said...

baby bjorn or some type of baby carrier (the ergo is really good - the bjorn always hurt my back, but i hear they've fixed that).

onsies/sleepsuits - my kids live in comfy pjs the first month or two (or three!) of their life. Petit Bateau is the best for this. i honestly didn't know how much i'd love sleepsuits.

i also love little night/dressing gowns for them to sleep in in the beginning. and then when they roll around and the covers get kicked off, then they have these gro sleeping bags over here and they are amazing. love them.

we had noisy neighbours and got a sound machine. i can tell you which one if you need it. probably won't need it in the beginning though.

breast pump/bottles if you want mike to do some feeding and take a break.

they call them muslin cloths here, but they are lightweight cloths that are great for things like spit up/accidents.

in the winter, those stroller sleeping bag things - a must.

and the book, happy child, healthy sleeping habits, although don't expect to get a 'routine' going right away!

Jeanne said...

My suggestion is don't over-buy at this point. Wait. You'll have showers and a lot of clothes and other things given to you so you won't have to buy them. Just focus on some basic major supplies and equipment, and then you'll get the feel for what you like and need.

When you come up next weekend let's go see the new movie "Babies" -- have heard rave reviews!

Missy said...

ps: I'm with Lindsey - sound machine and book healthy sleep habits.

Ben and Ana! said...

These are some of the things we love:
-diaper genie (taking the diaper out 10 times a day wears you out!)
-onesies and one piece pjs (I don't like the gowns but that's just me)
-beanies in the first couple of weeks
- I LOVE my BabyBjorn and I'm so sad Isabella is too big for it now.
-microwave sterilizer for bottles and binkies
- a bassinet for baby even you have a crib
- video baby monitor (gives you peace in the middle of the night if you can actually SEE your baby)
- we never bought a high chair per se. We got the Fisher Price one that attaches to one of our dinner table chairs and doesn't take up any space.
-We like the inflatable bath tubs. It's comfortable and you can hang it with a suction cup inside the shower stall when you are done so it doesn't take up a lot of space.
Hope this helps!
Good luck!
The Hopkins

Emily said...

My favorite gift to give is the Little Giraffe blanket. It's so soft and has satin edges...I love it. It's my go to baby gift.

erin said...

for starting out...

a costco-sized jug of hand sanitizer.

humidifier, maybe? babies' noses get dried out easily, and they're such nose-breathers that it's hard for them to rest comfortably if they're stuffy.

saline drops (for their noses).

a grooming kit (nail clippers, nose sucker, etc.)

aquaphor or vaseline.

do you have a donut pillow? i will lend you mind. YOU will need that.

mylicon (for gas)... just in case he's got bubbles.

tylenol infant concentrated drops (i like the dye free stuff).

lots of swaddling blankies.

lots of burp cloths.

lots of onesies.

the gown-type pjs for easy access to those midnight changings.

arbonne diaper cream. i liked that the best.

soft baby wash cloths.

hoodie towels.

usually the hospital gives you this stuff, but just in case they don't, you'll need some cotton pads and rubbing alcohol for his umbilical cord business.


a binky + binky clip.

little beanies for going out.

a swing (sometimes it's the only thing my babies would sleep in).

soft blankies or playmats for tummy time.

...for later...

stroller snuggie.

stroller rain cover.

bumbo seat.

some sort of jumperoo.

...i'll think of more later.

k. said...

This is amazing, amazing, amazing. Internet hugs to everyone. Thank you.

Katherine - it's the Nano chair. We won't buy a high chair for a long time (or maybe ever?), but I think it will be this one. Folds flat (great for our small space) & is perfectly modern + simple. I love it!