May 28, 2010

Moving Part II.

My makeshift change of address card...Which I emailed. 

Below is the email I sent Mike mid-day on Wednesday (I was at home packing, he was at work):

I just found maggots (??) crawling around in one of our spice jars.

And a few dozen cans of expired things (from 2007).

And I cut my leg open on a box (so much for having pretty legs on our trip).

And then I stabbed myself in the finger with a knife & almost said a bad word but didn't.

Our bandaids are all packed.


Moving is generally just a disaster. It's really stressful, & always exhausting - especially this time. But we're done (almost)! Safe & sound in our new apartment, with sore backs & feet, but loving every inch of our new space - not to mention the view outside of our bedroom window when we go to bed at night - the Chrysler Building, The Empire State Building, Citicorp Center, Columbus Circle... It's beautiful.

Interesting discoveries made while packing / moving:

We have 3 jars of (unexpired) cumin
We do not own a broom (?) - I guess we are swiffer / vacuum people 
We have an unusually large supply of hot chocolate + baking cocoa - William Sonoma, Ghiradelli, Cadbury, Hersheys, take your pick - especially for people who don't often bake (that's what my friend Jill is for)

We won't be entirely settled until after our trip next week, when some ordered furniture arrives & we're able to unpack the rest of the (9) boxes sitting in our living room + hang photos & frames. But that's okay. The kitchen is unpacked, my spices are alphabetized (are there people who don't do that?!), my bed is made, clothes are put away & the cable + internet is hooked up (although we're just without a TV until we buy one tomorrow - our first official television purchase as a married couple). I still have to find a place to put all of my shoes, which is a bit of a predicament. The Container Store is on my agenda for the day. I really love that place.


Missy said...

Ok I just got done reading Heidi's blog again and I feel for you guys. It sounds like you are pretty much there though, which has to feel nice. Moving is hard. Stressful. But, feels good once done. You are so smart to plan a vacation for right after your move. When do you leave?

Lindsey said...

i'm excited that you're now moved! your move image/email was so cute. you're so talented to make them yourself. can't wait to hear about your trip...