Jun 9, 2010


I love my DSLR. I do. But sometimes, it's fun to take less precise photos, snapshots. And despite the fact that I still have my Polaroid - & a few shots left in my last pack of film! - I'm happy about not paying over $2 per photo for a while until the Impossible Project drops their prices a bit, anyway (although I'm dying to order some of this film - the color is beautiful, I think). 


Rhianne said...

I love my instax mini, your photos turned out wonderfully :)

Louise said...

It looks blissful! Your photos are always beautifully composed.

Katherine said...

I want to live there! love the pictures

Elizabeth said...

CUTE!!! looks like you had a blast!

Kera said...

so fun. definitely getting one of those cameras. i didn't know you had a mini...
you look so cute. more pictures!

Missy said...

looks relaxing, beautiful and tropical. exactly what I think a babymoon should be! you look darling too.