Jul 18, 2010

31 Weeks.

31 Weeks

31 weeks pregnant. It's funny, because I came back from Washington & all of a sudden, people were making a fuss over me. Fretting. Strangers. Our doormen. Cab drivers. Pedestrians jumping out of my way when they see my belly coming towards them (maybe that's me just being a little dramatic). Smiles from older women. Stares from younger men. It's just funny. The other day on the subway, it was approximately 147˚. I thought that I was going to die, & it was one of those times where I just needed to sit (I often don't, & don't like feeling entitled, but still). No one budged, so I stood there with my fitted tshirt + big belly, feeling sad for myself & my discomfort. The nice professional looking man with a suit sitting 6 inches away from me? He didn't budge. But the tattooed, pierced & punky looking guy sitting a bit further away? He took off his sunglasses so that he could make eye contact with me & offered me his seat. I wanted to hug him. Don't judge a book by it's cover, right? He made my day.

(By the way - I think wearing sunglasses indoors is totally absurd. Two women in the elevator this morning were wearing their glasses - mine were on top of my head - & I wanted to ask them if it was just too bright for them indoors. I don't understand it.)

We had dinner with Corinne & Kyle last night at Kefi. I love Greek food, & I'm adding this to my list of places I'd like to go back to. They also seem to be baby friendly, which is something I've been paying attention to. I'm noticing far too many places that say No strollers, please. And, Emma & I were scorned in the Village earlier this week while trying to eat lunch at Cornelia Street Cafe (I'm still seething). They wouldn't accommodate her stroller - in an empty restaurant - & it was pouring rain outside. Pouring! And did I mention how empty the restaurant was?? I'm scared of baby prejudice. I really am. Even with friends. I mean, we've been childless for a really long time. Will people still like us? Worried.

We stopped by the Sant Ambroeus on Madison on our way home for a slice of their chocolate mousse cake (spotted on The Best Thing I Ever Ate). Amazing. I'm going back for their gelato, next.

This heat & humidity? I could really, really do without it right about now. I'm staying as hydrated as I can, but I still can't walk further than half a block without feeling 9 months pregnant & on the verge of going into sudden & very public labor. It's SO. HOT. And I'm SO. SLOW. It hurts. I get all crampy & achy. I took a cab to & from church today. I should mention (or maybe I shouldn't) that church is 7 blocks away, which makes this a totally ridiculous thing to do, but really, the heat completely negates said ridiculousness. Someone please tell me that I'll survive, because I'm thinking we're not going to have a fall baby ever again in NYC. It will be lovely when he arrives, but it's not currently the best weather for building

The temperatures are in the high 80's & 90's for the rest of the week, with a heat advisory through tomorrow evening. Thankfully, I'm hopping on a plane on Wednesday & zipping out for a last-minute trip to spend a few days with Mike in San Diego (he's there ALL. WEEK. for meetings in San Francisco, LA & San Diego - & after next Sunday, I'm not allowed to step foot on a plane per my doctor). The other day he said, Oh no! The high there is only in the 60's & 70's while we're there. My response? Yippee!! Because really, with that weather, I might just not ever get on the plane to come back. That sounds so perfect right now. Breezy & cool. 

(PS, Internet - any favorites in San Diego? We've been, but we're wanting to do some more exploring.)

I saw Eclipse on Saturday morning with nice friends who didn't judge me. I was entertained. I mean hey, it's Twilight & my expectations were appropriately set. Taylor Lautner drives me insane, by the way, & not in a He's so dreamy!! kind of way. I don't know what it is that's slightly (really.) irritating about him, but it's something. He kind of has a funny accent, right? Is it really midwestern? I can't pin it down. And, he's a terrible actor. And his shirt was off far too often. Kind of drove me nuts. But the movie was better than the first two, & they clearly upped the makeup budget a bit (no more of the low budget mime-vampire look, which is refreshing).

Our stroller is ordered, & is somewhere between California & New York as we speak. I keep checking things off the list, & that feels nice. Maybe I should actually hang photos up in our apartment now? Two months in, & I still don't have anything on the walls - just a bunch of frames leaning up against the walls while my indecisiveness rages on. Although really, I guess I've been gone a grand total of 4 (!!) of those 8 weeks that we've lived in this apartment, so I should cut myself a tiny bit of slack. I promised myself we'd do it this weekend, but the crib came - & we were excited - & it was really hot, so I was really tired, & I took a long nap yesterday... & we still don't have anything on our walls except for pretty grey paint. Maybe next week.

PS - Day #5 with my red nails & no chips. Still looking perfect. I'm sold.


Missy said...

I'm so glad I get to see the nails in real life!! No really, this will be fun to meet up with you. Can't wait. I'll have to email you a SD list. Downtown is always a good time. You guys will enjoy it, no doubt.

Haven't seen the movie.

But, tell me you still look so little. I'm dying that you only have 9 weeks left. 9 weeks?! Down to the single digits.

Louise said...

I cannot believe that you have been in your new apartment eight weeks!! When you wrote that, I did a double take, it doesn't feel that long since you wrote about your moving experiences!

Do you like your grey walls? I'm thinking of painting our master bedroom grey.

You have my full sympathy on heat and pregnancy - and my full envy that you get to see Missy in person this week! Have so much fun!

mb said...

#1 - I'm with you on the sunglasses indoors thing...this morning some woman had them on in the subway at 8:00AM even though we were indoors and it is very overcast today....what?

#2 - Taylor Lautner, wholeheartedly agreed. I don't get it...at all.

noelle said...

31 weeks! you're in the home stretch. i feel your pain, i truly do. but i am so thrilled for you... i have all these friends having their first baby and it just makes my heart happy because their (your) world will never be the same again. ever. it's so exciting being on the brink of change and possibility.

sunglasses indoors... maybe they just had lasik surgery? when i had lasik, i would wear my sunglasses EVERYwhere. indoors and out. the light really hurt. except they probably didn't just have surgery, so in that case, yes. absurd is the right word.

as for taylor lautner, he is like a mini tom cruise. he wants it too bad, he tries too hard, and it's like he's too... earnest. try harding is such a turn-off.

but rest up, mama! so close now...

molly said...

I feel you on the heat. Every time summer rolls around in Dallas, I swear I am going to move. My husband just laughs because I say the same thing every year. But I do really mean it.

What stroller did you get?

Wolf boy has a nice body but that's as far as it goes. Haven't seen the movie yet. Will probably wait until it comes to the video store.

Have fun in San Diego, I'm a bit jealous.

k. said...

Molly, I got the Bugaboo Chameleon. A grey base & a bright blue top. :)

k. said...

PS Louise, I'm so happy with the grey we chose. It's really neutral, looks great with the frames that we have (a lot of black, some white, some really bright) & is just enough color to make me happy, but nothing that makes me really COMMIT to anything.


erin said...

(grumble voice): belluh...

and then the hells and damns were said in such an awkward way. he's trying too hard to be moody. go cry, emo werewolf boy.

if i ever had any inkling of reading the vampire books, they were thrown out the window after seeing eclipse.

my grandma, who doesn't really feel or act like a grandma, always wears sunglasses. and a cowboy hat. and boots. and a frizzy, bleached perm.

answer to your insomnia: get on words with friends. me: whatwoulderindo. i'll be waiting.

Lauren said...
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Lauren said...

Have fun in CA. If you are too hot in the city come visit us in CT. The beach and the a/c in the car are great:)