Aug 13, 2010

La Esquina + a few little stories about being pregnant.

La Esquina.

Friend Maribeth & I were walking on the Lower East Side on Wednesday (on our way to Economy Candy, naturally) after lunch at La Esquina. We passed a man who said God Bless You to no one in particular, which was totally fine because often times crazy people mutter things that are far worse & less religious, & you just don't really pay any attention. But then, he said it again, more in my direction. And then again, & again, & again (increasingly louder) until I finally turned & said, Oh! Thank you! 

I guess he was talking to me + my bump. He was very nice, even though he was maybe a crazy man. 

And then yesterday, I was on the subway after going down to the West Village for a quick errand. I had been walking too quickly (I miss my old pace), I was tired, Baby Boy was mimicking The Rockettes in my belly & everything just hurt. So of course, I got onto a crowded subway at 14th Street (the worst subway platform in the city) & made my way to the center of the car, & then stood there - with my belly pointing sharply in a man's face - for a solid 20 minutes as he sat there & chatted away with his girlfriend. In my LEGGINGS & FITTED TSHIRT. 

(I hope this girl realizes that if this man ever fathers her child, he will likely continue to be a total dirtbag.)

It was rush hour, the train was crowded, & it kept stopping every 34 seconds between 14th & 42nd Street. It was dreadful.

Excuse me for being entitled here, but I got increasingly angry & had thoughts of him in a very hot & special place in you-know-where. And then I remembered that I was on my way to a Relief Society meeting, & I probably shouldn't think about people going to hell just because they don't give 8-month pregnant women their seat on the subway, because we're supposed to be all about forgiveness & such. So, I had guilt. 

But then, as I was starting to think about my personal repentance process & desire to be less judgmental of people, I had those really fun sharp + shooting pains going up my under belly that made me wince, & I almost told him out loud where I thought he should go.

(For the record, as soon as this terrible man + his doomed girlfriend got off at 42nd Street, the woman sitting  next to them said, Oh!! I didn't see you there!! I'm so sorry! & gave me her seat while offering lots of kind words of sympathy & such. When I got off the train she said, You take care now!)


Kera said...

his mother would be so disappointed. the sad thing is, this man is probably the type who has been scorned by women when trying to open their door or offer up a seat. but, he still should have at least offered, that would have been the more chivalrous thing to do. who cares if he gets grilled by some feminist (?) who doesn't want to be treated any differently.

this same thing happened to me several times on a bus in SF while i was very visibly pregnant. i remember thinking that if i ever have a son, he will know how to treat a lady and he will have learned it from me.

sorry, novel.

Jill said...

i love all the new posts! la esquina looks delicious, as usual. citi field does has the best food. your collage wall makes me very happy. and i wish i was at central park eating those delicious cupcakes and cake right now.

that is all.

Unknown said...

The same thing happened to me at 7 months pregnant in 3inch+ wedge heels while on my way to JFK, with suitcase and very large shoulder bag. Except the train wasn't crowded. Every seat was taken, but I was the only person standing in my entire half of the car. And NO ONE even offered!