Aug 2, 2010


(The Henri Cartier-Bresson print that we purchased after our trip to The MOMA a few months ago.)

We now officially have 4 pieces hung on our walls. Only 13 more to go!


Missy said...

Is that the cb2 lamp in the background? I have been looking at it if so...hmm.

love that print!

Whitney said...

Dying to see how you did his nursery! Put up some photos as soon as you get it put together. Love your new place. You make me miss NYC.

Unknown said...

Your new place looks really great and I keep hoping for a tour. (I was wondering about that lamp too. We almost bought it for Finn's room which still has no light. Do you like it?)

k. said...

Thanks, Kelli! The lamp is from West Elm. We've really loved it, although it took a while to get used to the size of the shade - it's definitely a "statement" piece, so I'm not sure I'd use it in a small space. It's also not the brightest, but we have another one in the room - the combo of the two (+ a table lamp) provides enough light at night (we don't have any overhead lighting).

Probably won't ever do a full tour of the apartment - maybe the nursery & maybe snippets here & there - but otherwise think it's a bit much for the www. We love it & it's been a lot of fun to pull everything together in a place we're hoping to stay in for a few years. :)