Aug 4, 2010

So far this week.

I met a dog named Jake at Levain Bakery. He was pretty, & my cookie was delicious.

I was walking up lower 5th Avenue yesterday afternoon. Elvis was walking down in a full ensemble of white & rhinestone. As he was passing me, he decided to jump in front of me & scream in my face. And then keep walking as if nothing happened. What?!?! I screamed back, & then almost went into labor. New York City is so random sometimes.

I saw a subway car covered in Target advertisements. And then I went to Target (+ Costco) for the 3rd time in 7 days.

Speaking of Costco, our new pattern is to go through one package of blueberries, one package of sliced mango & one package of grapes per week. Fruit is nice.

Oh! And peaches. I made peach cobbler again last night for friends. Monday morning (after I'd made it Sunday night), we ate oatmeal made with the leftover fresh peach syrup instead of water. Yum.

I discovered the softest sweat pants ever.

Doesn't that Trader Joe's cookbook look amazing? From Urban Outfitters.

I love The Bistro Truck. Love.

Kelsey introduced me to L'Arte del Gelato at Chelsea Market. Amazing.

Donkey arrived in the mail. Love him!

It's humid.

Baby Boy kicked me so hard last night, just before we were falling asleep. I buried my head in my pillow to keep from saying bad words, & then I cried. That's a first. 


Adams Adventure said...

Hey Kathryn! It's Jadie...I came upon your blog a little while back and have to say I love it. It's a great read. :) So, I know we haven't talked in years, but Jared and I are vacationing in New York mid September for a week and I would LOVE to get like a 'Top 10" list from you on what to see/do. It's our first time together but second overall for both of us and this time our goal is to do NYC 'how the locals do it.' We've already done a handful of the touristy things. You seem to be an expert on getting to know where you live so if you have time do you mind shooting me an email ( Again, NO pressure with this and I know you're super busy, but just thought I'd throw my request out there. :) CONGRATS on your baby boy arriving soon and it sounds like you guys are going to make great parents!

Missy said...

glad to see the donkey! did you get the cookbook? I think I need that!

Lindsey said...

I want those sweatpants!

k. said...

Didn't buy it, Missy - I thought maybe I could find it online for cheaper, but I couldn't. So - I'll go back. :)