Aug 30, 2010

We graduated.

Hello, 37 weeks. 

Two days of an all-day labor & delivery class at Roosevelt Hospital. They even gave us a little certificate when we finished! We learned (& saw - eek) all sorts of things & had a really great experience. I feel a little bit anxious, but prepared - even if I struggled with the bubbles a little bit (when we were practicing some of our breathing techniques).

There's a lot of uncertainty that comes along with the actual arrival of a child - the when, the how, & all of the other variables that are certain to exist. But what I know is this - I'm fairly sure that I'll be an emotional wreck. I fully anticipate crying for days & having horrifically puffy eyes. I almost burst into tears when we were in a cab on Sunday morning on the way to our last day of class, knowing that the next time we're in a cab zipping through the park, we'll be on our way to the hospital - but not for a class or an ultrasound. And when we watched videos of babies being born, I was torn between trying to keep my food down & struggling to stop myself from crying in front of a class full of relative strangers - because pretty soon, that will be our baby. 

Even today - I was on the subway on my way to Tribeca to meet Mike for lunch, & got a look of general sympathy / kindness from someone (those happen frequently now) - & then my mind wandered to Baby Boy & the events coming up in the next couple of weeks. And then, my vision got all blurry & I had to stare at the ceiling for a few minutes to keep myself together. 

Like I said, emotional wreck. I've already warned Mike. I'm still searching for a really great waterproof mascara. I should just be wearing it daily from this point forward.

Oh, & the best part about our class (& location of our hospital)? Daily lunch + treats at Bouchon Bakery at Columbus Circle. Love their sandwiches & macaroons. Mike is a convert now, too.


Jill said...

i have never had a macaroon. i probably should try one before we move.

Heidi said...

It's true- many more tears to come! Wow, I am so thrilled for you and Mike and everything you are about to feel for a new little one and for each other.

Missy said...

He dropped? Tell me he dropped - he looks lower in that top photo. You are SO close.

More tears, yes. At least you are prepared (nobody told me with my first). So excited for you too.

k. said...

I don't know, Missy. You're right - my belly is basically in my lap in that photo, but then two nights ago (Sunday night?) I woke up literally choking & gasping for air because he was up so high. I'm getting an ultrasound tomorrow... we'll see where he's decided to rest his little head. I can't quite figure it out, & neither could my doctor...

Unknown said...

I thought the same thing about your stomach! Good sign and can't wait for all the anticipation to be over.

I didn't realize you had a Bouchon Bakery too. Ours is an hour away but so worth it. It sounds like you picked the right hospital.

Kera said...

you just might be the most baby prepared gal on the planet.

Jan said...

You're almost there! Oh how I remember the tears....sorry to tell you they lasted for months afterwards as well....but that's just how it rolls. I can't wait to see him.....and you both as his parents.