Sep 5, 2010

Meatball Shop + Hello 38 Weeks (!!).

We've been wanting to try The Meatball Shop for weeks, but let's face it - the Lower East Side is just a pain to get to, & having a car was the perfect time to go. Now that we know it's worth the inconvenience of a long walk + a long subway ride, we'll definitely go back. The wait at the restauraunt was - as expected - way longer than we wanted to tolerate, so we opted for takeout instead. We waited on a bench in the middle of Bowery & then ate our food. So amazing! Really, really delicious. We love Unique Eats for teaching us about places like this in the city.

We drove up to the East Village afterwards & tracked down The Dessert Truck. Their bread pudding? It might be my favorite dessert in the city. 

38 Weeks! That means that we have 21 days to go. Hopefully only two Sundays left at church. A few more doctor's appointments + Bouchon Bakery macaroons. It means that the organic milk that we bought at Costco yesterday will not expire until Baby Boy is over a month old. !!

I'm (relatively) comfortable! I'm happy! I'm feeling strong. I'm sleeping much better this week than I was last week (phew). I have to pee every 1/2 teaspoon every 27 minutes, but this means that Baby Boy's head is finally down & where it should be (phew!). I'm ready to be finished growing a baby, but I'm counting my lucky stars, too. I've had a healthy + normal pregnancy & I'm really grateful for that. I've had plenty of plenty of hard days (& 20 solid weeks of constant nausea), & I don't necessarily want to do it again any time soon, but I'm alive! Surviving! Healthy! Almost a mother! I'm excited. And proud, really. I've survived the hottest summer in NYC history. That alone deserves a pat on the back, I think.

I grateful that I can still wear cute shoes, too! Call me superficial. I don't care. As petty as this might be, the small things make a difference when you're apparently working hard to catch up to your husband in weight, & cute feet make me happy - especially on those days when I walk around feeling like a spectacle.

Currently looking forward to: Mike not going to work tomorrow. The row boats at Central Park in the morning (for the first time in 5 1/2 years, what?!). Taking family photos tomorrow evening. My doctor's appointment on Tuesday (I want some stats!). My NYC baby shower on Saturday thrown by my really amazing friends. Vampire Weekend next week! Some fun nights out planned with friends + Mike. Baby Boy's baby announcements that are coming together (the proof is proofed! the envelopes are ordered! we just need a baby + stats + a photo to include). Getting back all of our photos from the maternity shoot that we did last week. Cooler temperatures, finally. Finishing up a few nesting projects.

PS, this dress was quite a bit longer last summer. Imagine that.


Corinne said...

Is Beach House opening up for VW? They did for several shows this tour. If so, I'm jealous.

Kera said...

Two weeks. Oh baby! Are you going to post any pictures of him? That was a little joke. Can't wait to meet this little man.

Missy said...

Those noodles, bread + meatballs look SO good, even in the leftover container and through a computer screen. when we come east, I must go there...

you look fabulous too:) two weeks!!

Lula. said...

You look so darling in that dress! You are incredibly tiny at 38 weeks!

And bread pudding is one of my very favorite things on this earth. My mouth is watering.

Jan said...

That dress just looks so whimsical - so pretty . I can't believe there are only just a very few more weeks left....We're SO excited!

Whitney said...

The dress... the dress! It is too perfect on you Kathryn. I must ask, where did you get it from? Can't wait to meet this little man. Would he hurry up and get here already!

Julie said...

I remember that dress from last year and loving every inch of it! Can't wait to see your maternity pics.

Melissa said...

Kathryn you've got the cutest perfect pregnant belly! I really love your dress too. Can't wait to see and hear all about baby boy coming soon!

k. said...

Thanks nice friends. :)

Whitney, it's from Anthropologie last year. I forget who made it...
