Sep 9, 2010

NYC lovebirds having a baby.

We've been married 5 1/2 years & have lived in New York City for just as long. We're anticipating the arrival of Baby Boy in what is now officially 17 days (sooner?!). We are still lovebirds. 

Friend Jen snapped some photos of us in Tribeca to document our last days of two before we move on to three. She did a lovely job & I can't wait to post some of my other favorites. 

Mike gets credit for location-finding. We wanted something besides Central Park, but still representative of our city. He pointed me in the direction of a few streets down by his office & I wandered for a bit after we had lunch one day. Love this neighborhood (unless you want to catch a subway back to the Upper East Side - I'm really sorry about your terrible commute, Mike) & all of the colors, texture & character. I went back to the same streets for the family photos I did on Monday. Love!

And my belly! I swear, some days it's massive, some days it feels small (the nice lady at the post office yesterday told me I looked 5 months pregnant - I told her that I missed my 5-month belly, & that I was going to visit her every day until this baby comes so that she could repeat all the nice things she said to me). 

Apparently this day was a massive day. I'll take it though, because when I look through these photos I'll think of very little except that I felt happy with my love, & excited about our future (& that the shirt was maybe, just maybe a bad decision)


Jill said...

i think these turned out great. the outfit is so cute (the shoes!) and the spot is perfect. good choice.

regarding the boats...we will totally go again before i leave. i mean, it's something that we do all the time.

i'm kidding :) xo

Louise said...

You are such a beautiful pregnant woman! And I love your shoes! Perfect photos - I cannot believe he will be here SO soon!!

Emily said...

Oh my goodness, Kathryn! You are rocking skinny jeans and high heels and you look amazing! It's like what Audrey Hepburn said, "...I believe that happy girls are the prettiest." So happy for your happiness!!

Unknown said...

no way, Kathryn-- that shirt is completely flattering (compact little belly)! and that door is really amazing. what a good idea to do couple photos.

Kirsty said...

Adorable pictures! Love the shoes--where are they from!?

Kera said...

you look darling. i am crossing my fingers for baby to come on your due date for selfish reasons, but i really can't wait to see this little guy.

Lindsey said...

LOVE these pictures. So so pretty. (I can't see the third one all the way). You chose a fantastic shirt. and i love the shoes too.

Heidi said...

I think the shirt is the perfect color for these pics and the shoes are very sassy. Beautiful!

Becky said...

Don't be ridiculous, the shirt is perfect. It looks great on you. You really look amazing! And right now I'm kind of dying because I LOVE those shoes! Seriously, oh so cute!

Katherine said...

You look great. I love the shoes!

noelle said...

cutest. i love your outfit and your belly. so much smaller than mine and i'm a month behind you! really, there is no justice in the world.

Missy said...

love them all, of course. the shirt is completely flattering and the shoes are gorgeous.

(are you dilated?? no need to answer that on the public blog..)

k. said...

Thanks friends. Big hugs! :)

(Shoes are from Anthropologie.)

Jill said...

i love love your outfit. you two are such a good couple, that babe is sure to be dashing. maybe you should name him dash. :)

The Taylor Family said...

Kathryn, I think you are so cute pregnant. And if you look that good wearing leggings WHILE pregnant, then you rock. I can't even pull those off without being pregnant. Those shoes are ridiculously cute!! I love your style. Thanks for always sharing all your awesome finds.

Anonymous said...

You are such a beautiful momma to be! Oh how I wish to visit nyc- it looks lovely there :)

erin said...

Yeah, these are perfect. You look lovely. And I'm first in line if you ever get sick of the booties even though you have little pixie feet. I can think skinny.