Sep 28, 2010

On the 5th day, he continued to lounge.

Quinn is still a lit bit on the tiny side to be using his lounger (or to be wearing anything other than under 7 pounds clothes, which are still too big!), but we grabbed a few blankets & propped him up a bit. I think he was a fan.

Side note: Bless this baby's heart, but he's given his mama such wonderful nights sleep the past few days. I'm almost feeling rested. I'm grateful that he likes his long stretches of naps at night verses during the day - although he's still pretty sleepy & sometimes does both (added bonus).

Also - & totally unrelated - one of our doormen said that Q definitely looks like me. I think the jury is still out (but so far - I think his nose & face shape are mine, & his lips Mike's).

Lastly - he almost has a mullet. This boy has some hair. I need to better document the back of his head. It's impressive.


Tara Edwards said...

He loos so perfect! Love him!

Jan said...

He's perfectly, perfect!

Jill said...

goo. that is me melting from his sweetness.

Alissa said...

What a snuggle bug...He looks so comfy! I wish I could hold him RIGHT now!