Sep 19, 2010

Quinn Hudson Whiting.

Gearing up for our hospital discharge Saturday afternoon.

Quinn Hudson Whiting
Born 10:37 PM, September 16, 2010
6.6 lbs, 19 in

I absolutely adore this woman and this child. This is the happiest I've ever been in my life.


Heidi said...

One eternal day, so true, so very true.

Congrats to your family! I can't believe Kathryn is wearing makeup and has a two day old baby. I am impressed.

amanda abby said...

congratulations! I love the name :)

Angie said...

Congratulations!! You both look great, can't wait to see more of baby Quinn. Such a great name!

Jill said...

this could be the poster campaign for posterity = happiness. you three are perfect.

love from all of us.

Tara Edwards said...

Lucky you, lucky her and lucky Quinn!

mb said...

So so so so so happy for your guys! Love the new Whiting!

Louise said...

Love this picture!! Congratulations Whiting family! I am thrilled for you both - and Quinn!

Rhianne said...

congratulations to you all from the UK :)

di said...

Beautiful Family!!!! I love how he's wrapped in K's arms. You both look truly illuminating - Congratulations!!

Abbie said...

Congratulations! You look beautiful, Kathryn. So happy for you! You're a little family now. Aw. Enjoy his cute tininess! This eternal day is the greatest roller coaster there ever was. YAY!

laurel said...

Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear more details and see more pictures. You look great Kathryn!

molly said...

oh how exciting to start this new adventure! Your little family looks radiant and so so happy. Take it a moment at a time, it truly goes by so fast!

Just six more weeks and I'll be joining you. But it will be baby boy number three for us.

Love the name!

Jill said...

look how happy!! what a great picture.

Lizzie said...

You guys look so, SO happy. Congrats on becoming three.

Melissa said...

What a BEAUTIFUL family... Kathryn you look amazing! I'm so excited for you guys!

Morgan said...

Congratulations, Mike and Kathryn!!! I'm absolutely thrilled for your sweet little family. You both look so happy, and that just makes me really happy. Quinn is lucky to have the two of you as his parents. And I love his name. It's simple, sweet, and perfect. I'm so excited to see more of Quinn!

Missy said...

love how happy you guys look. love what a tiny, tiny bundle he is in your arms.

congrats again. yes, love his name too. can't wait to see more pics of him. enjoy him being so teeny too. I wish I could hold him!

Annelise said...

what a beautiful family. congrats to you guys. little boys are the best :) enjoy this precious time!

Celine said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! and you look amazing :)

Lindsey said...

What a happy happy photo. congrats!!!

Jennifer Brailsford said...

Congrats you two. Love the name.

Jeanne said...

This is one of my favorite pictures. The radiant, happy, family! A great milestone in that one eternal day!