Sep 23, 2010

We'll start one day at a time. In a little bit.

It's Thursday. Quinn is a week old (almost)! A week ago, almost to the minute, I was in a cab by myself on my way to Roosevelt Hospital, & Mike was heading there from work. A trip home back home, a ferocious thunder & lightning storm, another cab ride across town & 11 hours later, we had a baby. 

This first week has been nothing short of precious. Maybe that's why I'm hardly ever on my computer, & why I still haven't fully gone through the 1,400 or so photos that I've taken. Priorities, you know?

But still. Yesterday, between feeding Q, swaddling him, bathing him, talking with him, cuddling with him, & just generally staring at him, & then taking a nap (finally!) - I was able to accomplish something off of my tiny to-do list. Just because. I managed to write some thank you cards. Lots of them, & that felt wonderful to accomplish, because I want people to know that I'm grateful. And I had a sleeping baby, so it was perfect.

Today, my to do list is equally simple(ish). Hang out with my Baby Boy (& my mom). Relax & take it easy - because I sort of over did it for a few days, & paid the price (naturally). And I'll post about his very first day in the world, the Wednesday that I just didn't expect him to arrive. I think I can manage that much. In a little bit.

And then maybe I'll try to just go day-by-day for a bit, because like I said - precious. Needing to be documented, officially. Someone asked me a few weeks ago if this will turn into a baby blog. My response - I'll continue to post about our life & our family as genuinely as I can. For now, it's all about Quinn.

Until then - some photos from Day #2. A few I snapped first thing in the morning when Q & I were waiting for Mike to come. When he gets really sleepy, he looks at us with just one eye. The last - snapped by friend Kelsey who came to visit & kindly took some photos of us that turned out oh so well. I love them. I'll post some of those later, too.


Jill said...

precious indeed. love that little baby.

Kera said...

so cute.

Louise said...

I cannot get enough of this baby so please keep posting pictures of him!! Love it!

And you sound (and look) wonderful!! I am so thrilled everything seems to be going so smoothly!

Tara Edwards said...

Someday, someone might ask you if your blog is a teenager blog, and you can say yes. Because right now it's OK that it's a baby blog.

By the way. It gets easier.


Well not easier. Just different.

But you get to sleep more.

di said...

so very happy to have met him today! congratulations again dearest K - you are beautiful! xo

Missy said...

someone asked you if your blog would become a "baby blog" - funny.

love, love that bottom photo. and the one eye open shot.

Whitney said...

Too perfect K. What a beautiful and proud mother you are. I am so happy and loving all your photos. Also, I am just dying to hear the crazy lady story of the woman holding your child. Pretty sure I would have knocked her out so hard she would have been a patient in a different part of the hospital! Lots of love to you all.

Alissa said...

That yawn...the cutest yawn I have EVER seen! He is adorable, I am behind on your blog so watch out for more comments b/c he is too cute.