Oct 6, 2010

I more fully appreciate the little things these days.


Family nap time (photo from last weekend - it was a lovely few hours)

A pediatrician who doesn't make me feel like an idiot (I feel 12 when I take my son to see her)

 A good milk supply + ability to feed my child (even though I'm really struggling with breast feeding - Q is up to 8 pounds!!)

A much overdue bang trim today (I had a haircut scheduled for the day Q was born)

Friends who bring dinner / treats / snacks (big hugs to you)

My mother / sisters / friends who call or email often to check in (even if I only answer 13% of the time my phone rings these days)




Lindsey said...

so much to catch up on with your life and baby q right now! am loving all the updates and pics of him - he is gorgeous and i am so glad you got a good family nap! :)

Heidi said...

Ah breastfeeding was SUCH a struggle for me when I had Max. I was not a good experience for me and I quite way sooner than I had planned. I don't know exactly what your struggles are, but have you heard of Newman's Ointment? Prescription breast cream. AMAZING. The over the counter stuff did nothing for me. Email me if you have any more questions. If a low milk supply is the struggle, I can't help you there.

Heidi said...

quite? make that "quit"

emily said...

Q is so cute and you are such a cute little mama. And whoa, 8 pounds? Whatever you're feeding him, it seems to be working!

erin said...

i am fully appreciating those sheets. love.

Missy said...

It gets better! The first two weeks are hardest, but it gets better I promise.

8 pounds?! High five.