Oct 17, 2010

The other day.


Ryan said...

LOVE him. The one of him yawning, to die for! He is getting so big. Hope you (as in your boobs) are feeling better.

Jan said...

That little jacket is the sweetest little thing ever. Look at those little hands - I just want to kiss them!

Meg said...

Oh, my heart. So sweet.

mb said...

I love the hood with ears! absolutely adorable.

Jennifer said...

It sounds like he's waking up and ready to party these days. It's pretty awesome.

Missy said...

The yawning. Love it.

Tara Edwards said...

You should have said...

The other day, he took a 10 second power nap.

It might come in handy when he's a grown up!

erin said...
