Oct 24, 2010


Let's just make family outings to Wafels & Dinges a Saturday tradition. A good idea, I think.

Afterwards, Mike went to a meeting & Quinn & I sat & listened to jazz in the park. It was nice.

Last night, friends Whitney & Ryan (visiting from Vegas) came over. In lieu of going out, we ordered takeout so Q could get to bed. It was nice. I felt like an adult again, a real person almost. Very necessary (cabin fever, anyone? I miss my friends), & so fun to talk to them, in part because they're new parents, too - but 8 months ahead of us (which makes them experts in our book).  Also nice - getting their real, unfiltered perspective on parenthood, especially on these first few week & months. It was fun to laugh about it with other people (vs. crying about it alone!), & knowing that other people have experienced it makes me feel like less of a train wreck.

Q is being a very good sleeper this week. We're on day 4 (5?) of a routine & he's liking it, I think. It means that my eyeballs don't sting quite as much during the day, & he's given us a few stretches of good sleep (at night!) that are approaching five. I'll take it, but I'm still waiting for the magic to start (around 6 weeks, or maybe 7, or maybe 8 - depending on who you ask, right?). 

I showered this morning before 10am. Victory! And I've been wearing real pants all day, even though I haven't left the apartment once (except to go up on the roof to take a photo of the sunset).

I told Mike this afternoon that I'd make a pizza for dinner. You know, with Trader Joe's fresh dough. He said Don't worry about it, that's too complicated! My sweet husband. It's a sad day when we're calling fresh dough + mozzarella cheese + sauce complicated. Thank goodness for takeout, nice friends who have brought meals, & the great frozen section at Trader Joe's. That being said, I took the 10 minutes & made us a pizza for dinner. Mike is so lucky. 


Missy said...

Hmm..yep that sounds like one of our dinners at least once during the week. It IS tasty and thank goodness for TJ's!

Tara Edwards said...

Yum!! I told Kevin about those waffles and I've committed to having a waffle party. I wonder where I could get the sugar...