Oct 24, 2010

38 Days.

My very favorite photo. 


Unknown said...

You're right. The last one is the best.

Good times are coming!

Jill said...

Yep. Very favorite. Sooo cute.

And the 4th one up from the bottom? Love it.

Judy said...

Quinn is absolutely adorable! I love reading your chronicle of being a first time Mom...and this series of photos...Oh my gosh, it's precious. I do love the last one too...but also the one of his big yawn! I have a friend who takes a picture of her granddaughter every Thursday in the same chair...so you can see how she's growing in comparison...(her granddaughter just turned one). These of Quinn reminded me of that because of the ones of him when he was first born. (I'm the one who asked you for your tulip photo to paint...which is still not finished!)

Louise said...

He is SO handsome, Kathryn!!! What a cutie pie! They grow so fast, don't they?!

mb said...

look at those cheeks!! He is so sweet.

Meg said...

You shrunk Donkey didn't you?

(The yawn face...oh my souls.)

Missy said...

That last one really is completely adorable. I'm thinking that he looks like you?!

He is just so blonde! And he has filled out so so quickly in just five weeks. He's a cute one Kathryn, really.

Tara Edwards said...

I'm so happy he's sleeping! And happy! His little face has gotten bigger since I saw him and it's only been a week! Not even!! Ahhhh!

Lauren said...

These pictures are ADORABLE! I love his expression in the last picture.