Oct 18, 2010

A baby seal just died.

Friend Jen posted this on her blog, & I'm stealing it because I think it's just sort of amazing. And true, even if I've only been in the mom club for 32 days. These (blonde) people exist, & these conversations happen.


Lindsey said...

I love this. I want to send it to all my friends it so funny. I think I should just post it too. Funny thing is, I actually KNOW people like this. (and i'm talking about the blonde, of course. :)

Jill said...

best thing i've seen all day.

laurel said...

This is so awesome. And people really, really are like that.

Unknown said...

Wow. Just wow. But so true.

I need to do one about totally inappropriate things strangers think they can say to you because you have a child under the age of five in tow.

erin said...

"holy shit."

i sort of love the way the black one ends all her sentences in the same intonation or something, regardless if it's a question or statement.

second audible laugh.