Oct 10, 2010

Wafels & Dinges.

(First of all, don't judge my spelling. It's Wafels. Not waffles, which kind of drives me nuts, but that's how they spell it.)

Wafels & Dinges is one of my favorite NYC treat spots. Hot Belgian waffles + sweet toppings.  Delicious. The truck travels, & sadly, it's always on 86th Street on Sundays. Cruel, yes. Attempting to be Sabbath-Day-Keepers, we have to walk by it on our way home from church week after week. Kind of like during the summer when there is apparently a street fair on 3rd Avenue EVERY. SINGLE. SUNDAY. & the smell of elephant ears taunts me all the way home. 


They have mini-trucks now! Multiple! Well, they aren't actually trucks. They're carts, I suppose. But they still have the same wafels with the same toppings. Mike had never had it before, & when Facebook told me that their cart was at the Guggenheim on Saturday (& every Saturday!), I jumped at the chance. A perfect excuse for a walk.

After some shopping (I went to Yummy Mummy - nursing bras are so fun - & Mike went to the JCrew men's shop), we walked up to 88th & 5th Avenue. Perfect fall weather, two perfect wafels & some hot chocolate with my little family. It was nice. 

Oh - & Zagat recently rated Wafles & Dinges #1 in the sweet category for food trucks. Hooray for them (& for Zagat for finally rating food trucks in the city!).

(PS - it turns out that they have a permanent mini truck now at 60th & 5th. I'm thinking that this needs to be a weekly outing, at least. Friends? The schedule is here.)

Before the sleeping giant awoke.


molly said...

i have those exact TOMS and love them!

molly said...

quick question...actually two...
where is that custom picture from [the one above your bed] and two, where did you get that cute stuffed animal again? I think you have the donkey. But I could be wrong, my memory no longer works while pregnant. you can just shoot me an email.

JC said...

sign me up. they have the temporary cart at 58th b/t 3rd and Lex on Thursdays. ALL. DAY. LONG. Norris called to tell me and i beelined it out the door. I didn't care about missing work for 15 minutes. :)

Mike said...

I hear Belgian women's key to successful breastfeeding is a healthy shmear of speculoos spread pre-latch.

Jill said...

pre-latch?! gross, mike.

sad we missed out on the w&d. we are going this week i have decided!

Missy said...

his cheeks in that last photo, kathryn...so kissable.

and hello, that wafle (?) looks delicious.

mb said...

I can't even talk about wafles & dinges...I regularly crave them. sometimes I dream about them.

Amy said...

Wafles? I'm in..just tell me when! You look quite pretty when you sleep I would say.

caitlin and brinton said...

Those look so delicious. Quinn is beautiful. So are you. And so are your cord Tom's.