Dec 2, 2010

Similar. But Different (or 11 Weeks: Take Two).

This child will not be under documented.

And really, I mean - they're all the same photo. But different. Kind of. Right? How could I choose only one?

He's cute. And in a much better mood this morning than he was yesterday evening.

And his jammies? Hooray for December! And Christmas!


Groshon said...

I love his big smile! How adorable!

Lindsey said...

adorable! all those cute faces... i couldn't choose just one either. :)

Jennifer said...

His little mouth is just so perfect. And his cheeks. Love him.

Jan said...

He makes me smile!!!

Becky said...

So cute! What a precious smile.

Missy said...

Oh Kathryn, he really is so cute.

Jeanne said...

I'm glad he seems to like the camera again! Love those jammies. And so many more fun facial expressions now!

erin said...

perfectly adorable babies should NEVER be underdocumented.

ellen said...

both kid and jammies are adorable.