Jan 18, 2011

He doesn't wiggle when he's sleeping.

It makes for easy photos.

Q was absolutely spent one night when we got back to our hotel. It wasn't the prettiest of scenes when we woke him up putting on his jammies for the night.


Ryan said...

Your flight sounds like the most horrible thing ever. I am SO sorry. :( Happy day for finally being home. I am in love with Q's flannel, he is perfect. For the record, I refuse to fly Delta because of the terrible customer service!

Jill said...

i hate hate hate flying with babies. serious stress for like weeks before the flight. during the flight i'm sweating like a pig for fear wyatt or jude will puke or poo all over(me). which they do. always. it's the worst.

Alissa said...

His CHEEKS, oh his CHEEKS! I want to pinch them. Yes, I am going back a few weeks to catch up on things =).